Test Prep Materials online and at your library


Are you studying for a test to get into grad school? We have resources for you! The UW Tacoma library has curated a collection of test prep materials, including the GRE (grad school), GMAT (business), LSAT (law), MCAT (medical), FSOT (foreign service), and tests for teacher certification (WEST). Additionally, there are online resources and eBooks available through the library.

The book collection is located on the SNO first floor near the Research Help desk. Head to circulation to check them out, but if the volume you want isn’t there, we have an additional copy for in-library use in our Reference collection.

You can search for eBooks in the UW Library Search by typing the test name into the box, and using limiters to choose “Available online” and “eBooks.”

Library limiters with "Available Online" and "eBooks" checked.

We also have an online database with resources, called the Testing & Education Reference Center. You will need to set up a free account for this database.

The UWT library loves to support your future plans through its online and physical collections. Your future looks bright, Huskies!