Craft for a Cause

Are you looking for ways to show-up for others, to be the change you want to see in the world, or want a quiet way to make your voice heard – try Craftivism! Craftivism is a form of activism that incorporates craft elements like knit bombing, political cross stitch, or even making masks during the pandemic. Craftivism has movements around the topics of feminism, climate change, anti-capitalism, and anti-racism. Sarah Corbett, founder of the Craftivist Collective said craftivism is “to think critically and discuss compassionately how we can all be part of positive social change.”

Here are a few books in our collection that show that idea in action:

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Fibershed: Growing a Movement of Farmers, Fashion Activists, and Makers for a New Textile Economy by Rebecca Burgess

Most of what we need is in our own backyard. We just have to connect to each other to find it. Rebecca did just that in California by creating Fibershed, a regional fiber system that gives back rather than takes away – it has now grown internationally. This book tells the story of that community and how together they are fighting climate change, soil degradation, and fast fashion! Hot tip: the Pacific Northwest is home to an affiliate fibershed right here on Vashon Island.

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A Little Book of Craftivism by Sarah Corbett

Anger is easy, but when we stop and focus on the problem we gain understanding and empathy – for Sarah that is a craft just like anything else. As an introvert Sarah often felt depleted when she protested. Through crafting she was able to engage people in new ways that were much more welcoming and easier for justice to be heard through her Craftivist Collection. She shares her ideas behind the craftivism movement and projects for even the most novice craftivist!



Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects From the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join in by Joan Tapper

This book shows off the many ways that crafting can be a form of activism, whether it’s knit bombing or wearing a message. You’ll find projects, stories, and organizations to support with your crafting endeavors. Using that handmade power to connect and make change. And as we saw with the Women’s March – crafting has the power to bring us together for a cause!

For more – and there’s so much more – click on this link to our catalog to access books, articles, and e-resources on Craftivism! 

Want to connect with other makers on the Tacoma Campus? Visit the Makerspace in the Snoqualmie Building or join one of the Makerspace clubs!