Asian American and Pacific Islander Collection Project

A red, anatomically correct heart with radiating barbed wire. Book cover, entitled This is how the bone sings, by W. Todd Kaneko

In alignment with the $2 million-dollar U.S. Department of Education AANAPISI (Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Student Serving Institution) grant that UW Tacoma was awarded, the UW Tacoma Library has devoted a meaningful amount of collection budget towards supporting instruction and programming for Asian American, Native American Pacific Islanders, and individuals from low-income backgrounds.

At the end of each biennium, UWT Librarians take remaining funds and put them towards larger purchases — not infrequently, a part of a database subscription, for example, in collaboration with UW Bothell and UW Seattle Libraries. In 2020, the UWT Library developed robust new collection development guidelines, with a continued goal of being antiracist, accessible, sustainable, interdisciplinary and open to diverse ways of knowing. The use of funds to bolster the libraries Asian American and Pacific Islander Collection (AAPI) at the end of our budget cycle is to add action to our statement, and to use this document as a way of making our collection one that is of — and for — our communities.

Book cover of tropical fruits, painted. Title is Home making, a Novel. Lee Matalone.

We are proud to have put $7,000 towards this goal, and have purchased a total of 114 titles, both e-book and print.

Martial artist Bruce Lee, as a statue, posed on a rock overlooking a bay. Title is Like Water, a Cultural History of Bruce Lee, by Daryl Jo Ji Maeda.The selection of titles was done by a number of library workers and graduate students, and in consultation with faculty. Thank you to all of you who supported us. We are quite proud of this work, and it stands as a great example of working collaboratively to take advantage of the R1 library within the context of a small campus, to benefit of our students and faculty at UW Tacoma

Interested in what titles are coming to UWT? Please check out this spreadsheet! As always, if you have suggestions for new titles, please let us know using this purchase request form.


Book title. Watercolor painting of a beach. Title: Our Voices, our Histories. Asian American and Pacific Islander Women. Capital building and a picture of Patsy Takemoto Mink. Title is Fierce and Fearless: Patsy Takemoto Mink - first woman of color in congress.