![Picture of three people on a couch with a dog being silly.](https://sites.uw.edu/uwtacomalibrary/files/2018/12/Whitney-Silly-Pic-1p7teb2-1024x768.jpg)
As promised, here is another “Meet our Staff” post! We are lucky to have amazing and talented co-workers, and think it is nice for our community to get to know them. Kari Whitney is a Graduate Reference Specialist who runs the Sources, Citations and Coffee Program. She is often at the Research Help Desk!
- What did you major in/are you majoring in at UWT? [Kari is not a student at UWT. Read more to learn what she is up to!] I’m a graduate student in the library and information systems program through UW Seattle’s iSchool. I’ll get my MLIS this spring. I got my BA through WSU’s global campus, their distance-learning program.
- What drew you to working in libraries? I’ve always delighted in the information and programs available at public libraries. When I read Marilyn Johnson’s This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All, I felt an immediate connection to the services information professionals provide. (Maybe you’ll be inspired, too! Check it out through UW Libraries.
- What parts of your job are you most excited about? I thrive on interaction with patrons at all stages of their research: newly-admitted undergrads who’ve been told to find “3 scholarly sources,” seasoned researchers who need help brainstorming search terms, visitors from the community who want to check out the breadth and depth our database subscriptions offer, and more. Part of the thrill is not knowing what questions a patron will bring to the Research Help desk!
- Have you read anything good lately? Okay, well, I swear this is not library-sponsored product placement, but I just finished reading The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater. I’m still processing the layers of complications it addresses in our society regarding disproportionate racial incarceration, systemic problems in our education and legal systems, ignorance and hate around underrepresented groups, and more. I look forward to the upcoming Real Lit[erature] Book Club discussions this winter. (Join the book club here or check out a copy from our library.
- Any advice for UWT students? Librarians are here to show you how to use all of our resources! Stop by with your questions or even an introduction to the services we offer! We’re in SNO at the “Research Help” desk as well as via 24/7 live online chat. P.S. The priority deadline to apply for UW’s MLIS program is February 1. Check it out!