The Foundation Directory Online, or FDO, is a Foundation Center research tool heavily used by nonprofits to search for grantmakers interested in funding projects and initiatives. The UW Tacoma Library has long partnered with the Foundation Center to provide the campus and regional nonprofit community access and training for the FDO. However, there have been Read More…
Author: Serin Anderson
Recommended reading: “Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom”
Meaningful reads is a recommended book series commemorating the promotion and tenure of faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma. Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, newly promoted or tenured faculty are invited to share a book with thoughts on why the book was meaningful to their career or life. “It was incredibly hard to Read More…
Recommended reading: “The Way it Is” by Ajahn Sumedho
Meaningful reads is a recommended book series commemorating the promotion and tenure of faculty at the University of Washington Tacoma. Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year, newly promoted or tenured faculty are invited to share a book with thoughts on why the book was meaningful to their career or life. “My chosen book is The Read More…