Bring questions about sharing research and engaging with communities to: Open Scholar Cafe The Library is partnering with the Office of Community Partnerships (OCP) to co-host a drop-in space for faculty and staff authors to discuss engaged scholarship, publishing, open access, and the tools available to share work. At this session, we will introduce the Read More…
Category: Resources for Faculty
Open Scholar Cafe for AU21!
Spruce up your only scholarly identity with Open Scholar Cafe Open Scholar Cafe is back and in a hybrid format for Autumn 2021 The Library again is hosting a drop-in space for faculty and staff authors to get their questions answered about scholarly publishing, open access, and the tools available to share scholarly work. What Read More…
Join Us: Introduction to Zotero Workshop!
Tired of creating citations? Feeling like your research needs some organization? Join us on Tuesday, October 19th from 12:30pm – 1:30pm for an introduction to Zotero, an open source citation manager that helps you organize, manage, and collect resources for research. In this hands on workshop you will: Learn about the different functionalities of Zotero Read More…
DSSI 2021: Join Us this Summer to Jump Start your next Digital Scholarship or Open Pedagogy Project
The University of Washington Libraries offers the Digital Scholarship Summer Immersion program (DSSI) annually as a tri-campus opportunity to explore digital scholarship tools and methods for open scholarship and pedagogy. DSSI 2021 will run Tuesday, August 3 – Thursday, August 5, and will be a series of three discrete workshops that focus on one of Read More…
Application Open: 2021 Open Educational Resources Workshop
Program Description, Expectations, and Deliverables Applications are now open for a third year of faculty training on Open Educational Resources! Open Educational Resources (OER) are free, openly licensed course materials that can be used to replace costly textbooks and customize learning experiences. This multi-day, summer workshop is designed to help faculty learn about and implement Read More…
Lib2Go Curbside: Books now available!
Launching Lib2Go Curbside Books! We are excited to officially announce the launch of Lib2Go Curbside Books, in addition to our already active UW Tacoma Library Lib2Go Curbside Equipment pickup service for calculators and laptops! What does this mean? You now have access to the tri-campus print collection! This service is the result of an involved Read More…
Lib2Go Curbside Equipment Checkout
Good News! Introducing UW Tacoma Library’s Lib2Go Curbside Program for equipment! Graphing calculators and laptops (MacBook and Surface Pros and Dell Tablets) are now available for checkout at the UW Tacoma Library. They will be checked out to patrons on a first-come, first serve basis, with a quarter long loan term. Appointments are required. To Read More…
Librarian Research: Project Information Literacy’s study on the news coverage of Covid-19
Project Information Literacy (a nonprofit research institute that I work with) just released a two part report on the way the Covid news story grew and changed in the first 100 days of 2020. For this report, an author team of 5 researchers, myself included, looked at a data set that drew from more Read More…
Transform Your Course with SPLOTs!
Calling all instructors! Are you looking for opportunities to teach digital and public scholarship skills in your classroom? Are you looking for alternatives to the traditional research paper? We’ve got you covered with WordPress site templates (affectionately known as SPLOTs)! SPLOTs are simple to set up and can be as easy for students to Read More…
Updated Faculty Guidance for Fall Quarter at UW Tacoma
This post is intended to help answer the most common questions from faculty and to highlight available resources to help prepare for Fall quarter. When in doubt, Ask Us! Re-opening of buildings: The UW Tacoma Library (SNO and TLB) will not be open to faculty, students, staff or the public in Phase 2. The messages Read More…