Real Lit Reads Transmogrify! – Register now!

To register for Summer Quarter 2024: Sign Up Here! In collaboration with the Center for Equity and Inclusion, the UW Tacoma Library is ecstatic to announce that our award-winning social justice book club, Real Lit[erature], will be reading Transmogrify!: 14 Fantastical Tales of Trans Magic edited by g. haron davis for Summer Quarter 2024! This Read More…

Real Lit Reads Icarus – Register now!

To register for Spring Quarter 2024: Sign Up Here! In collaboration with the Center for Equity and Inclusion, the UW Tacoma Library is elated to announce that our award-winning social justice book club, Real Lit[erature], will be reading Icarus by K. Ancrum for Spring Quarter 2024!  In keeping with the diverse genres we’ve explored so Read More…

“That’s What She Said”: New Display in TLB Highlights Voices & Experiences of Womxn

“When feminism does not explicitly oppose racism, and when anti-racism does not incorporate opposition to patriarchy, race and gender politics often end up being antagonistic to each other, and both interests lose.” – Kimberle Williams Crenshaw The UW Tacoma Library is excited to announce its new display, “That’s What She Said: Highlighting Marginalized Intersectional Experiences Read More…