Maintain Life-Saving Skills in
Essential Newborn Care

Virtual Essential Newborn Care (vENC) is a mobile phone-based virtual reality simulation that is specially designed to support health care professionals in practicing their skills in neonatal resuscitation and early newborn care.

Our Partners

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We are applying novel mobile technology
to education on essential newborn care
Nurses and midwives from 23 primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities
participated in field testing. Participants said they used vENC at work, at home,
online, offline, with and without the VR gear, and in many other situations.

Scenarios were completed

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Some problems we
are solving

We are addressing the need for accessible continuing education in neonatal resuscitation and essential newborn care, supportive supervision, and quality improvement for healthcare systems

For Learners
Convenient practice to build confidence and competence.
For Educators

Standardized feedback and supportive supervision.

For Researchers

Utilize vENC data to explore gaps for quality improvement and research

How it works

vENC lets you use your eyes or hands to connect with a virtual reality (VR) experience. The vENC application can be downloaded to an android or iOS smartphone or tablet and used with or without a simple VR headset.

how it works

Download vENC

Download the vENC app to your phone or tablet device. Depending on how your facility is using vENC, you may receive a code to track your progress.

Start with the Tutorial

Every Level has a different newborn scenario. Begin with the Tutorial, then move on to Level 1. A passing score of at least 70% unlocks the next Level.
Weigh Baby

Practice with vENC

Continue practicing until you are able to care for the virtual newborn without any mistakes or needing help (hints). A score of 100% unlocks a reward.

What vENC users say

Nurses and midwives who participated in vENC field testing described their experience with using vENC during focus group discussions.

“It’s actually improved my competence, because I was able to do it often and often. Whenever I’m free, I’ll carry my phone and I would lay hands on the practical. That’s actually [how] it has helped me.”

Midwife, Primary Health Centre

“It helps me when I’m taking delivery, I try to picture everything I did on the app, and I try to follow it step by step without missing it.”

Nurse, Secondary Health Facility

“… the day I used it for the baby that is not crying. My shoulder is up! (cheers). Even the doctor looked at me. I said, that’s the training that I had…, and I’m using it. I was happy!”

Nurse, Tertiary Health Facility

“I like the app in the sense that it gives you feedback of what you’re doing, that at the end of it, you’re able to see where you missed, and when you go back, you’ll be able to do the right thing at the proper time.”

Nurse, Secondary Health Facility

Join the vENC Network
We are working to expand the use of virtual simulations globally to improve maternal and child health.
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1959 NE Pacific St,

Seattle, WA 98195

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