Forest Resilience Lab


Elena Becerril Salas
Master’s Student
Elena was a master’s student in the Environmental and Forest Sciences program at UW. Elena earned her Honors B.A. in Geography & International Studies with a concentration in GIS and Geotechnology from DePaul University. Prior to joining the lab, she worked for Chicago’s Metropolitan Planning Council, MAPSCORPS, and Ameresco. Her research focused on characterizing old-growth forest structural patterns in the Northern and Southern Cascades of Oregon using airborne lidar data. She graduated from UW in the summer of 2021. Her broad research interests include using remote sensing to analyze disturbance dynamics within peri-urban areas and enhancing equitable policy centered on low-income marginalized communities.
Vivian Griffey
Master’s Student
Vivian was a master’s student in the Environmental and Forest Sciences program at UW.  Using airborne lidar and Landsat data, she assessed structural complexity and carbon sequestration in western Oregon. She then analyzed how the distribution of these two interests changes across different land ownerships and land uses in my study area. She graduated from UW in the spring of 2020. She is currently working as a graduate research fellow at the U.S. Forest Service.

Saba Saberi, M.S.
Research Scientist
“Saba recently received her M.S. from SEFS, where her research combined field studies of burn severity with satellite indices to better understand relationships between burn severity metrics across the Interior Pacific Northwest. She worked as a research scientist in our lab from 2022-2022. She’s currently pursuing her PhD at the University of California Davis. Her research interests include using remote sensing tools and ecological theory to analyze how forests of the western United States are affected by increased disturbances such as fire. Saba is also passionate about working to elevate the voices of people of color in STEM and worked with different diversity committees within SEFS and the College of the Environment to create a more inclusive science community.
Miles LeFevre
Master’s Student
Miles was a master’s student in the Environmental and Forest Sciences program at UW. Miles’s research focused on describing fine scale forest canopy structures in the fire-frequent forests of the inland northwest. Primary data sources of his projects were often remote sensed, including LiDAR, stereo and ortho-imagery, and hyperspectral. His objective was to create practical tools to incorporate scientific knowledge into restoration based forest management programs. Miles completed his Master’s degree in 2018. Currently, he is a data analyst with the Pacific Northwest Research Station under the direction of Dr. Paul Hessburg. Miles currently co-owns the Resilient Forestry consulting group. Read more about resilient forestry.
Sean Jerenomi
PhD Student
Sean was a Ph.D. student in the Environmental and Forest Sciences program at UW. Sean’s research focused on measuring vertical and horizontal elements of forest structure in old, unlogged forests with active low-to moderate-severity fire regimes and using these measurements to inform the restoration and management of fire-suppressed forests. He created tools for forest managers to use past and future climate data to inform restoration planning at multiple scales and for silviculturists to use lidar remote sensing as an integral data source in writing restoration prescriptions. He completed his doctorate degree in Spring 2018. Sean currently co-owns the Resilient Forestry consulting group. Read more about resilient forestry.