Two announcements from ASCE YMF:
This Thursday, May 19th, ASCE Young Member Forum (YMF) will be hosting their Seattle Happy Hour. Event details:
- When: May 19th, 5:30-7:30pm
- Where: Elysian Brewing Company -1221 East Pike St, Seattle, WA (just one light rail stop away in Capitol Hill!)
- What: Last networking happy hour of the year! Appetizers provided by YMF, as always. You do NOT need to be 21 to attend!
On May 21st, ASCE YMF will also be hosting a community services “storm drain marking” event. Event details:
- When: May 21, 10:00-12:00pm
- Where: Renton, WA
- What: Come learn and help educate Renton residents in pollution prevention techniques. We’ll mark storm drains with “Only Rain Down the Drain” decals, test your stormwater knowledge, and distribute educational materials to the public.
- Additional Information: Please wear closed-toed shoes and bring an appetite for lunch.
- RSVP: Please RSVP to Kristina Lowthian at for location details. Wen responding, please indicate if you need or could provide a carpool