Oct 6 – American Water Resources Association (AWRA-UW) Kick-Off meeting

Interested in water resources? Like free pizza?
American Water Resources Association UW-Chapter (AWRA-UW) is for you! Come join our fall Kick-Off meeting:
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Time: 12:30-1:20PM
Location: Forest Club Room (207) of Anderson Hall (southwest of Rainier Vista lawn)
Several officer positions available – take on a leadership role in a student club!
AWRA scholarships are available to graduate students and undergrads – come to learn more details and how to apply.
We will also introduce new members and the purpose of the club. You will learn about network of water resources professionals and other events.
To learn more about AWRA-UW, please visit:
Pizza will be served. Hope to see you there!
– AWRA-UW Leadership Team