Phase 1: June Launch
Phase 2: October Launch

Required eLearning PHASE 1: For Incoming and Continuing Residents and Fellows

  • Starts: June 3, 2024
  • Due: July 31, 2024

Module NameDeveloped ByRequired ByRequired ForMore Information
Respiratory Protection
10 min
Learning GatewayFederal | OSHAAll who started in July

More InformationDuration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: Federal
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All who started in July
ACGME CLER requirement: Patient Safety, Health Care Quality

This training module covers precautions for airborne transmission of infection in healthcare settings. Learners get an overview of airborne-transmitted diseases and risk factors for healthcare workers, reinforced by case studies of significant airborne outbreaks. Must-have airborne precautions are presented including: respiratory hygiene and etiquette; administrative and environmental airborne infection controls; UWMC requirements for personal protective equipment; and detailed instructions for the proper selection, fitting and use of respirators and masks.

Estella Whimbey, MD
Mary Dessel, RN, BSN

Infection Prevention
30 min
Learning GatewayUW MedicineAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 30 Minutes

Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: Medical Centers
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming
ACGME CLER requirement:
Health Care Quality

Fundamental infection control measures such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, standard and transmission-basedprecautions, aseptic technique, and immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases play a significant role inpreventing the transmission of infectious agents within the healthcare setting.

Timothy Dellit, MD
Anneliese Schleyer, MD
Estella Whimbey, MD

Observation and Inpatient Admission
5 min
UW Medicine ComplianceFederal (False Claims Act)Specific Programs

More Information
Duration: 5 Minutes
Content Owner: UW Medicine Compliance
Required BY: Medical Centers
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: Specific Programs
ACGME CLER requirement:
Health Care Quality

When to admit as inpatient and when not to? Physicians must determine the correct patient status based on medical necessity and properly document it in the medical record. UW Medicine is increasingly in the position to defend its documentation and has had to repay millions of dollars of inpatient claims over the past few years because of medicalnecessity-related concerns. All UW Medicine physicians who admit patients into the hospital will find this eLearning helpful in bolstering our collective effort to improve documentation and reduce the volume of repayment requests.

UW Medicine Compliance team

EHR Integrity
15 min
UW ComplianceFederal (False Claims Act)All Incoming & All Continuing

More Information
Duration: 15 Minutes
Content Owner: UW Compliance
Required BY: UW Compliance
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming & All Continuing
ACGME CLER requirement:
Health Care Quality

General Compliance Training
25 min
UW ComplianceFederal (CMS)All Incoming

More Information
Duration: 25 Minutes
Content Owner: UW Compliance
Required BY: UW Compliance
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

E/M (Evaluation Management) Documentation for Residents/Fellows
(6 modules)
60 min/10 min x 6
UW ComplianceFederal (False Claims Act)All Incoming

More Information
Duration: 60 Minutes /
10 Minutes x 6
Content Owner: UW Compliance
Required BY: UW Compliance
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

Telehealth Training
10 min
TelehealthUW MedicineAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Required BY: UW Medicine
Required FOR: All Incoming

Bloodborne Pathogens
20 min
Learning GatewayFederal | OSHAAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 20 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: OSHA
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming
ACGME CLER requirement:
Health Care Quality

This module presents a broad range of infection control concepts and practical steps to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare professionals in all clinical settings. This module must be completed on an annual basis to maintain compliance with OSHA and WISHA regulations on bloodborne pathogen training requirements.

Timothy Dellit, MD
Anneliese Schleyer, MD
Estella Whimbey, MD

Abuse and Neglect: Reporting in WA State
10 min
Learning GatewayWA StateAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: WA State
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

The healthcare worker plays a critical role in recognizing and reporting harm to others, regardless of whether that person is a patient, visitor or colleague. This eLearning module informs and educates on existing policies and procedures, and provides with the knowledge needed to assist those in danger. Through a legal review covering reporting statutes and consequences of not reporting, case studies and an overview of UW Medicine policies, the learner will be better equipped to handle those difficult situations tied to obvious or potential cases of abuse.

Thomas W. Pendergrass, MD
Erica Sumioka, JD

Central Venous Catheter (CVC)
20 min
Learning GatewayUW MedicineIncoming (specific programs)

More Information
Duration: 20 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: Incoming (specific programs)
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming
ACGME CLER requirement:
Health Care Quality, Patient Safety

This module was developed to orient UW Medicine providers who place or assist in placing CVCs to the best practices and key procedural step of this procedure. It was designed to serve as initial training for providers new to this procedure, review for more experienced providers, and a tool for just-in-time training prior to CVC placement in the clinical setting. If required to obtain or maintain special privileges in CVC placement at UW Medicine, this module must be completed within the LMS system.

Amy Morris, MD
Ylinne Lynch, MD, MS
Rob Klemisch, MD
Ananya Bhatia-Lin, MD

CVC Annual Refresher
15 min
WISH CenterUW MedicineContinuing (specific programs)

More Information
Duration: 15 Minutes
Content Owner: WISH Center
Required BY: Medical Centers
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: Continuing (specific programs)

Moderate Sedation (for credentialing at UW Medicine)
180 min
Anesthesiology Dept.UW MedicineIncoming (specific fellowships)

More Information
Duration: 180 Minutes
Content Owner: Anesthesiology Dept.
Required BY: Medical Centers
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: Non-anesthesia specialties requesting
moderate sedation privileges
ACGME CLER requirement:
Patient Safety

All non-anesthesia medical staff and trainees who prescribe moderate sedation for non-intubated patients must complete a defined training program to obtain special privileges in moderate sedation. It is at the discretion of program directors to determine whether or not their trainees will perform moderate sedation and therefore be required to complete the training.

  1. This curriculum has been designed to include 3 (three) hours of
    online training and 1 (one) hour of Airway Management training in the Operating Room or

  2. 1 (one) hour of simulated airway management training at WISH (if completed during Program’s Orientation in June)

  3. The Moderation Sedation special privileges can be granted only to
    Fellows and Sr. Residents – this is not a GME orientation activity for incoming residents.

  4. Upon completion of all training steps, the Fellows and Sr. Residents will be granted Moderate Sedation special privileges for their practice at UW Medicine. For more details, please email

Protecting Patient Information (formerly HIPAA Compliance)
20 min
UW Medicine ComplianceFederal (HIPAA)All Incoming

More Information
Duration: 20 Minutes
Content Owner: UW Medicine Compliance
Required BY: Federal
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

UW Medicine Compliance oversees the development, implementation and monitoring of UW Medicine’s HIPAA compliance program. Click for more information.

60 min
VendorJoint CommissionSpecific Programs

More Information
Duration: 60 Minutes
Content Owner: Vendor
Required BY: Joint Commission
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: Specific Programs

This course is designed to meet the requirement for ongoing education and annual training for individuals who use fluoroscopic equipment as outlined in Joint Commission Standard HR.01.05.03.

  • Safe procedures for the operation of the type of fluoroscopy
    equipment they will use

  • Radiation dose optimization techniques and tools for pediatric
    and adult patients addressed in the Image Gently®, Image Gently-Step
    Lightly®, and Image Wisely® campaigns

Fluoroscopic Safety, LLC

All Patients Safe
360 min
Dept. of PsychiatryWA StateAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 360 Minutes
Content Owner: Dept. of Psychiatry
Required BY: WA State
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

All Patients Safe is an interactive, online suicide prevention training made by and for medical professionals. It offers an engaging and informative option for providers to become better skilled at suicide prevention. Perspectives of real patients coupled with practical skills help medical providers transfer what they learn to their practice and community.

Dept. of Psychiatry

Sexual Harassment in Patient Encounters: Response and Prevention
15 min
Learning GatewayUW MedicineAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 15 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

As a physician, you have the ability and responsibility to stop or deescalate sexual harassment behaviors in patient encounters. It is time to think and act beyond legal compliance, in order to address the culture and climate that impacts all of our workplaces. You can intervene. Many of the intervention strategies we share in this course can also be used in other workplace encounters.

Mahogany Ambrose, MD
Jennifer Best, MD
Cindy Hamra, JD, MA
Ilana Krumm, MD
Alexa Rodin, MD
Courtney Tuegel, MD

WA State Opioid Rules & UW Medicine Best Practices
40-60 min
Learning GatewayUW Medicine | WA StateAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 40-60 min
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine | WA State
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

UW Medicine aims to ensure our healthcare professionals who prescribe opioids for pain for any indications are doing so safely and according to state rules and best practices for pain management. This module is consistent with an emerging national consensus by the CDC, FDA, and professional pain societies regarding best practice guidelines for Healthcare professionals for management of patients receiving opioid prescriptions regardless of formulation or type of pain.

David J. Tauben, MD, FACP
Debra B. Gordon, RN, DNP, FAAN

MRI Safety Training
(Level 2)
90 min
UW RadiologyJoint CommissionSpecific Programs (Radiology)

More Information
Duration: Level 2: 90 min
Content Owner: UW Radiology
Required BY: Joint Commission
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

MRI Safety training for individuals that require frequent access to the MRI environment, that accompany patients in the MRI environment, and that require the requisite knowledge for dealing with MRI safety concerns.

Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UW MedicineLT&IWA StateAll

More Information
Duration: 30 Minutes
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All

UW Medicine’s mission is to improve the health of the public. To deliver on that mission, our vision is to ensure policies and practices focus on equity, social and health justice and strive to become an anti-racist organization. This module provides a grounding in the fundamental principles of healthcare equity at UW Medicine and fulfills the state mandate for all public employees to receive training in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Office of Healthcare Equity

Required eLearning PHASE 2: For New Residents and Fellows

  • Starts: October 1, 2024
  • Due: October 31, 2024

Module NameDeveloped ByRequired ByRequired ForMore Information
Respiratory Protection w/ Test-Out
10 min
Learning GatewayFederal | OSHAAll Continuing

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: Medical Centers
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All continuing

Prepare to ADAPT for the Learner
5 min
Learning GatewayACGME | LCMEAll who started in July

More Information
Duration: 5 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: ACGME
Optional/Exempt: Exemption can be requested
Required FOR: All who started in July

Empowers learners to ask for feedback with an easy-to-use feedback framework. Learners first identify their coaches: attendings, peers, or other individuals in their learning environments; share the feedback framework with them, and then capture the most salient feedback points for next steps. The online portion takes less than five minutes to complete; at the end of the module, learners are directed to the ADAPT Feedback Tool to capture of the most useful suggestions. Three repetitions of the feedback process in the clinical learning environment is recommended.

Tyra Fainstad, MD
Judith Pauwels, MD
Kristen Patton, MD
Susan Johnston, EdD

Prepare to ADAPT for the Coach
10 min
Learning GatewayACGME | LCMEAll R2s; fellows who started in July

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: ACGME
Optional/Exempt: Exemption can be requested
Required FOR: All R2s; fellows who started in July

Identifies learner attributes that create feedback successes as well as challenges. Coaches apply principles to help create a learning environment that encourages the feedback process, while employing the Prepare to ADAPT feedback framework to give useful, brief, specific and actionable feedback. This module takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Adelaide McClintock, MD
Tyra Fainstad, MD
Kristen Patton, MD
Susan Johnston, EdD
J.M. Monica van de Ridder, PhD, MSc

Risk Adjustment DocumentationLearning GatewayUW MedicineSpecific Programs (Internal Medicine and Family Medicine)

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Required FOR: All Incoming

As a system, UW Medicine has serious gaps in accurate documentation. These gaps result in major losses both in patient care quality and in funding for support services our patients dearly need. The training module takes less than 10 minutes to complete and provides simple steps providers take to improve their documentation right away.

Leah Marcotte, MD
Tamara Atkins, MD
Cora Espina, ARNP

Venous Thromboembolism (DVT)
10 min
Learning GatewayUW MedicineSpecific Programs

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Optional/Exempt: Optional
Required FOR: Specific Programs
ACGME CLER requirement:
Patient Safety, Health Care Quality

This elearning module includes best practices around prevention of VTE. After completing this module learners will be able to recognize risk factors for VTE and identify indications and contraindications for VTE prophylaxis. They will also recognize appropriate drugs for pharmacologic prophylaxis, as well as the need to adjust VTE prophylaxis for special populations.

Ann Wittkowsky, PharmD
Richard Goss, MD, MPH

Language Support
10 min
Learning GatewayCivil Rights Act | ADASpecific Programs

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Optional/Exempt: Optional
Required FOR: Specific Programs
ACGME CLER requirement:
Patient Safety, Health Care Quality

UW Medicine's interpreters and translators support effective communication between patients and their care teams; they help patients and their families navigate the health care system; and, they participate in designing culturally appropriate care processes. This module will illustrate these important services and will explain why and when utilizing this resource is so critical to patient safety.

Linda Golley
Martine Pierre-Louis

LGBTQ Inclusion: Tools for Providers
10 min
Learning GatewayUW MedicineSpecific Programs

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Optional/Exempt: Optional
Required FOR: Specific Programs

The sub-standard treatment of LGBTQ patients is a critical population health issue, and addressing this gap is part of UW Medicine's mission to improve the health of the public. The scenarios in this short training offer providers an opportunity practice and refine skills for creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for our LGBTQ patients.

Physician Well-Being
30 min
Learning GatewayACGME (CPR)All Incoming

More Information
Duration: 30 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: ACGME (CPR)
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

The traditional battle-hardening culture of medical education is ineffective and harmful to learners and faculty alike. Nearly 60% of UW GME residents surveyed in March 2018 were burned out. The much needed culture shift in our institutions can begin with physicians practicing the skills of identifying and sharing your concerns, being supportive of your colleagues, and taking small concrete steps towards personal resilience. This module offers you realistic scenarios, relevant self-assessment, and links to additional tools and resources.

Rosemary Adamson, MB BS
Kathleen Berfield, MD
Lars Margolis, MD
Sheri Davis, MSW LICSW
Mindy Stern, MSW LICSW
Mariam Shehata, MD
Chris Bundy, MD MPH
Hadar Duman

Patient Safety & Transitions of Care
12 min
Learning GatewayUW Medicine Q&SAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 12 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

This module addresses critical issues of patient safety and transitions of care, by asking learners to make decisions about realistic in-patient cases. It also includes a brief simulation of how to submit a PSN (Patient Safety Net) report, in an effort to help break down the barriers around report submission by residents and fellows. In addition, the I-PASS Handoff System (Illness severity, Patient summary, Action list, Situation awareness and contingency planning, Synthesis by receiver) is described in detail, and its use is strongly recommended.

Christopher Kim, MD, MBA, SFHM
Anneliese Schleyer, MD, MHA, SFHM
Patricia Kritek, MD, EdM
Jessica Yanny-Moody MS, CNS, CCRN
Christine Cottingham, MS, RN, CPPS
Katy Hicks, MD

Mandatory Compliance Training
20 min
UW ComplianceUW ComplianceAll Continuing

More Information
Duration: 20 Minutes
Content Owner: UW Compliance
Required BY: UW Compliance
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Continuing

Bystander Intervention for Sexual Harassment
15 min
Learning GatewayUW MedicineAll Incoming

More Information
Duration: 15 Minutes
Content Owner: Learning Gateway
Required BY: UW Medicine
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

Many bystanders do not intervene when they witness an incident that could have been sexual harassment. Acknowledging an incident and helping our colleagues is important to all of us. In this course, you will learn about intervention strategies and the resources available to support you and your colleagues.

Mahogany Ambrose, MD
Jennifer Best, MD
Cindy Hamra, JD, MA
Hadar Duman

MRI Safety Training
(Level 1)
60 min
UW RadiologyJoint CommissionSpecific Programs (Radiology)

More Information
Duration: Level 1: 60 min
Content Owner: UW Radiology
Required BY: Joint Commission
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming

MRI Safety training for individuals that require frequent access to the MRI environment, that accompany patients in the MRI environment, and that require the requisite knowledge for dealing with MRI safety concerns.

Required Clinician Training
40 min
Learning GatewayVariousAll Incoming and Continuing

More Information
Duration: 40 Minutes
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: All Incoming and Continuing

The Annual Provider Training fulfills global regulatory clinical education requirements for UW Medicine providers. The 2021 module includes training on bloodborne pathogens, CMS emergency preparedness, antimicrobial stewardship, and workplace violence prevention.


Ventricular Assist Device RefresherLearning GatewayJoint CommissionSpecific Programs

More Information
Duration: 10 Minutes
Optional/Exempt: No
Required FOR: Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medical Services, Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Transplant Surgery, Thoracic Surgery - Integrated, Cardiovascular Disease

Patients with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) are living in the community and thriving. When LVAD patients are encountered, it may be on a low frequency, but high acuity situation. So it is important that you have a fund of knowledge and tools to ensure the encounter is successful. This annual refresher keeps clinicians current on UW Medicine practices and policies.

Lisa Guertin, DNP, ACNP-BC
Jay Pal, MD, PhD
Claudius Mahr, DO, FACC, FESC