UW Libraries Blog

September 2, 2022

Pods Are Here!

UW Libraries

images of three of the new personal pods

The new personal pods inside Odegaard Library

UW Libraries is excited to announce a new trio of Zoom pods installed on the ground floor of Odegaard Library! These individual pods provide a private, sound-dampened environment to speak freely without the disturbance of surrounding building noise or other students. Each pod has outlets, individually-controlled lighting, and ventilation. 

Pod use guidance 

  • Pods are quiet booths intended for Zooming or phone calls that need more privacy
  • Pods are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved
  • Use is limited to 60 minutes

Since buildings reopened in 2021, students have expressed a consistent need for individual, quiet space for Zoom classes and online appointments. Students shared concern about their privacy while engaging in certain types of calls and meetings, or disturbing the focus of others. 

Even before the pandemic, this kind of amenity was high on students’ wish lists for the Libraries, with input and requests about pods showing up in multiple student assessment activities. A small group of students also provided input on an early prototype of these pods.

The pods are a great example of how the Libraries integrates student input into making our spaces and services more user-friendly. We conduct many assessments and surveys each year to help inform our planning and operations.  

The Libraries Instructional Design team (LibID) secured funding for this pilot and are working with Libraries Facilities, Odegaard Library, and Assessment & Planning to understand student use of the new pods. 

We hope you enjoy these new additions to Odegaard, and thanks to all of the students who work with us to provide input and feedback. You ask, and we listen!
