UW Libraries Blog

November 3, 2023

November Update

UW Libraries

Holiday Meals: Vintage Inspiration  Even if you’re not on turkey and/or Tofurkey “duty”, you’ll be amused by the variety of holiday offerings (and prices!) from different eras in the UW Libraries Special Collections Historical Menu Collection! Molded cranberries anyone??  See more menus image: Ciro’s Grill Thanksgiving dinner menu, November 26, 1959. University of Washington Libraries…

Accessible Study Room In Suzzallo – Now More Accessible!

UW Libraries

By UW Libraries Accessibility Working Group It is important to provide equitable environments that allow all students to feel comfortable studying at the Libraries. To that end, in the last few years we have improved accessibility in several ways around the Libraries: audited our physical spaces and electronic resources for accessibility; posted accessibility information on…