UW Libraries Blog

October 3, 2022

October Update

UW Libraries

this post modified 10/14/22

October is packed with many special author events and exhibits you won’t want to miss.  Happy fall, Huskies!

Author Talks and Lectures

UW Libraries Presents: A Reading and Conversation with Rena Priest

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 6-7 p.m. 

This fall, the UW Libraries will host our biennial lecture series, the Maxine Cushing Gray Distinguished Lecture, to honor established prose writers, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, journalists, or critics, who are writers of sustained achievement and whose intents are serious and talent noteworthy with roots in the Pacific Northwest. Please join us as we name Rena Priest, Washington State Poet Laureate and enrolled member of the Lhaq’temish (Lummi) Nation, as the 2022 Maxine Cushing Gray Distinguished Writer Fellow. Rena will share a reading of her work followed by a conversational interview with UW Tacoma Professor Danica Miller (Puyallup), with an opportunity for audience questions afterward. The event is virtual and free to the public. Registration/More Information  

Going Public

Wednesday, Oct 26, 2022, 10 – 11 a.m.

& International Open Access week Oct.24-30

This year’s Open Access Week theme is Open for Climate Justice.  For over five years, the Libraries’ OA week event, Going Public series,  has brought a wide lens to the concept of “open” research, examining not only open access publishing but also topics like community engagement, advocacy, and digital storytelling around research. This year’s event features a presentation from Dr. Michelle Montgomery of UW Tacoma followed by a conversation with the audience. Dr. Montgomery’s research focuses on Indigenizing and decolonizing the climate justice narrative, environmental ethics connected to Indigenous Peoples’ identities, and eco-critical race theory to eliminate racial and environmental oppression. Following the conversation with Dr. Montgomery, we will offer a workshop on the CARE Principles later in the day. Sign up and Learn more. 

Pioneering DeathAuthor Talk– Sick Lecture: Peter Boag, “Pioneering Death”

Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022, 4 – 5 p.m.

Dr. Peter Boag (Washington State University, Vancouver) discusses his latest book, “Pioneering Death: The Violence of Boyhood in Turn-of-the-Century Oregon.”  Connecting a fascinating true-crime murder story with broader forces at play during the time, Boag uncovers how this violent tragedy reflected the brutality of American colonizing efforts, the anxieties of global capitalism, and the buried traumas of childhood in the American West.

The History and Character of Premodern Japanese Books with Takahiro Sasaki

Wednesday, Oct 26, 2022, 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.

As part of the Tateuchi East Asia Library and Keio University Library exchange program, distinguished guest Prof. Takahiro Sasaki, an expert of Japanese rare books and book history and a former Chair at the Keio Institute of Oriental Classics, will visit UW and give a talk about the history and characteristics of pre-modern Japanese book making. Like his poplar Future Learn courses, the audience will have a chance to see the premodern rare materials from Japan and Tateuchi East Asia Library.  During his visit to UW Oct. 24-29., Sasaki will also review TEAL’s  Japanese special collections and meet with  staff,  faculty and students.  Space is limited. Register now.

Author Talk: Doctors and Distillers with Camper English

Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

This free live webinar will host author Camper English to talk about his latest book, Doctors and Distillers: The Remarkable Medicinal History of Beer, Wine, Spirits, and Cocktails. Camper English will discuss how and why the contents of our medicine and liquor cabinets were, until surprisingly recently, one and the same.Students, staff, and faculty are welcome to attend. A UW Net ID is required. Registration required.  Learn More

Workshops and Help Hours

Graduate Funding Information Service (GFIS)

  • Finding Funding for Graduate School– Thursday, Oct 27, 2022, 4 – 5 p.m. These sessions from the Libraries’ GFIS provide an overview of funding types, search tools, and search strategies.

Open Scholarship Commons


Pressbooks’ suite of products makes it easy to create, adapt, and share educational material. UW Libraries offers several monthly workshops on how to create open textbooks, course materials and more with Pressbooks.

Drop-In Help 

  • Digital Scholarship Drop-In Help Hours (via Zoom) on Thursdays:  We offer consultations for research and course-related projects. Examples include support for digital publishing, building digital exhibits, and more! We can help you find the right tools, resources and instruction whether you’re just getting started or are working on an ongoing project

Health Sciences REDCAP Trainings

Provided by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences and UW Health Sciences Library.


From the New York Times UW subscription to new databases and research tools … check out all that’s “New in 2022” from UW Libraries! 


Waging Peace in Viet Nam: US Soldiers & Veterans Who Opposed the War, Allen Library North, through October 28

Invisible Cities: The Prints of Giovanni Battista Piranesi and the Art of the Built Environment, through Saturday, Mar 18, 2023


Missed it? 

Bookmark these helpful online resources to help you navigate and learn more about all of the resources UW Libraries provides.

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