UW Libraries Blog

March 1, 2025

Preparing for Finals Week: UW Libraries 10 Tips for Success

UW Libraries

 Odegaard will offer extended hours before and during finals week  See all hours.

While many students think of libraries as primarily places to study and access research materials, UW Libraries provides many services and support for students year-round!  Be sure to bookmark this page and learn more about these time-saving resources to help you succeed and stress less during finals! In addition, Odegaard Library will extend hours during end-of- quarter and finals week! See hours.

1. Ask Us.

Librarians (humans) can help you find things that Google can’t.  Really. We’re online and ready to answer any question to help you find the resources you need. Chat online, meet virtually, or email us. No question is too big or too small.  If you are interested in a specific topic or toolset, check out the following resources:



      • Libraries “HOW TO” help. Libraries staff can help you navigate and access a wide range of research tools.  Learn more.
      • Subject Librarians. Did you know that there is a designated librarian for every department at UW and literally hundreds of subjects, providing years of expertise and interdisciplinary practice? They can help you find the best resources on a particular subject. Learn more about Subject Librarians and how they can help.

 2. Find a place to study

If you have never explored this page, you may just find a hidden gem! Browse for study spaces across all the UW Libraries and/or Reserve a Study Space that’s right for you.

3. Utilize the Odegaard Writing and Research Center

Not sure where to start your research? Need some advice on how to organize your ideas? Writer’s block? Don’t wait until the day before your paper is due–set up an appointment now with the OWRC.

4. Take advantage of weekly help hours for digital scholarship projects

      •  Open to faculty and students, UW Libraries offers weekly office hours to advise on a wide range of digital scholarship topics and tools– digital publishing, data visualization, digital exhibits, data research management, audio and video production, copyright, and more!

5. Connect Google Scholar.

Connect Google Scholar with your UW Libraries account to see which results can be accessed through UW Libraries with a direct link to the resource in the catalog!

6. Bookmark Academic Search Complete.

ASC is a great database for pretty much any topic. Find it under A-Z databases here.

7. Don’t forget about Interlibrary Loan.

If there are articles or book chapters that you’re not able to get immediate digital access to in our UW databases, Interlibrary Loan may be able to get them for you.

8. Read 7 essential tips for Research

to learn about some of our most helpful search tools and best practices – whether you are a new student, or a PhD grad, this post has helpful advice for all students. 

8.Discover the Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial

Students told us what they wished they knew their very first year at UW, and we listened. Your feedback helped us to create an online tutorial for all levels of student research expertise. Don’t wait until the end of your UW journey to hone your research skills. Learn more.

9. Be good to yourself. Take Breaks. Get Inspired. 

We know it’s not easy to eat right, get rest, and find ways to reduce stress, but it is essential! Check out these resources to help you take care of yourself and find that balance during stressful times: 

10. Set the tone.

Looking for music and sounds to help supercharge your study sessions? Check out our Ethnomusicology Archives’ Study Sounds page and this Study Beats playlist!

We hope these tips and resources will help you find what you need to succeed in preparation for finals week and throughout the year. You’ve got this, Huskies! 🙂 
