UW Libraries Blog


January 5, 2023

January Update

UW Libraries

Welcome back from winter break, Huskies! Hopefully you enjoyed time off to relax and refresh for the new year! If you finished a great book and are looking for another, be sure to check out our winter reading suggestions and book clubs –– a great opportunity to connect with others while enjoying a great read….

December 1, 2022

December Update

UW Libraries

Introducing….#LibraryDubs! Take a study break or celebrate the end of your finals  — grab a selfie with our new friend, Library Dubs! You’ll usually find him near the main staircase in Suzzallo and in Odegaard Library. Tag your photo @uwlibraries #LibraryDubs for a chance to win a winter break prize pack!  Finals, winter break and…

November 9, 2022

November Update

UW Libraries

It’s NOVEMBER, Huskies! With Finals Week about a month away, be sure to see Finals Week Prep Tips and expanded Odegaard Library hours below.  In this update you’ll also find new workshops and events you won’t want to miss– from Podcasting to Piranesi Book Club, a “totally awesome” homage to the ’90s (and Foster Business…

September 6, 2022

September Update: Welcome Huskies!

UW Libraries

Welcome, Huskies! While autumn quarter is still a few weeks away, UW Libraries is busier than ever with many new events, exhibits, and resources (did somebody say New York Times??!!).  We kicked-off September with a special celebration of the permanent installation of the artwork  Bruce Lee Ascending in Odegaard Library; a great way to usher…

July 27, 2022

July/August Update

UW Libraries

Updated 7/27 UW Libraries’ summer programs are a great way to build skills in between quarters. We offer a wide range of workshops for a variety of interests and experience levels including our Open Scholarship Summer Series, Graduate Student Research Institute, Research Data Management Workshop and more!  Plus, some amazing summer reads, book clubs and…

May 31, 2022

June Update

UW Libraries

Good luck on finals, Huskies–and remember that UW Libraries has many resources to help you succeed! Congratulations to all of the #uwgrad22 graduates and all those who will be celebrating commencement this month. Please read the operations updates below for important information on Library closures and Library-wide system updates! Operations Looking for an institutional data-sharing…

April 29, 2022

May Update

UW Libraries

This month’s update is packed with events and important news about summer operations.  Undergraduates— there’s still time to apply for the UW Libraries Undergraduate Research Award for a chance to win up to $1,000! Existing or potential grad students— don’t miss the very helpful workshop on Finding Funding For Graduate School!  Operations Hours:  End-of-quarter and…

March 25, 2022

April Update

UW Libraries

Happy Spring! Whether you are a new or returning Husky, UW Libraries Faculty Guide  and Student FAQ (both updated for spring quarter)  provide a “one stop shop” of helpful links and important information to help you navigate and make the most of UW Libraries vast resources. And don’t forget to apply (or encourage your students…

March 2, 2022

March Update

UW Libraries

Spring is right around the corner, Huskies!  As you prepare for finals, don’t forget to check out our finals week resources , learn all about Open Education Week events March 7-11, AND remember that you still have plenty of time to enter the  #IHeartUWLibraries Student Video Contest for a chance to win up to $1,500…

February 2, 2022

February Update

UW Libraries

Welcome back to campus, Huskies (again)! 🙂  In honor of Black History Month, please check out our featured monthly resource Black Thought & Culture, an incredible digital archive that pays tribute to the nonfiction work of notable African American writers.    February marks the return of the popular  #IHeartUWLibraries Student Video Contest!   Don’t miss the…

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