UW Libraries Blog


June 5, 2024

Community Fellows: A Platform for Graduate Student Leadership 

UW Libraries

Did You Know?  A few interesting facts we learned from each workshop:  Due to a lack of accessibility in online data visualizations, screen reader users extract information 62% less accurately, and spend 211% more time doing so. The average shelf life of a digital project is five years. WordPress is an easy, low-code/no-code way to…

April 26, 2024

Preparing for Finals Week: UW Libraries 10 Tips for Success

UW Libraries

updated 3/6/2024 While many students think of libraries as primarily places to study and access research materials, UW Libraries provides many services and support for students year-round!  Be sure to bookmark this page and learn more about these time-saving resources to help you succeed and stress less during finals! In addition, Odegaard Library will extend…

November 3, 2023

November Update

UW Libraries

Holiday Meals: Vintage Inspiration  Even if you’re not on turkey and/or Tofurkey “duty”, you’ll be amused by the variety of holiday offerings (and prices!) from different eras in the UW Libraries Special Collections Historical Menu Collection! Molded cranberries anyone??  See more menus image: Ciro’s Grill Thanksgiving dinner menu, November 26, 1959. University of Washington Libraries…

Accessible Study Room In Suzzallo – Now More Accessible!

UW Libraries

By UW Libraries Accessibility Working Group It is important to provide equitable environments that allow all students to feel comfortable studying at the Libraries. To that end, in the last few years we have improved accessibility in several ways around the Libraries: audited our physical spaces and electronic resources for accessibility; posted accessibility information on…

August 23, 2023

Bring Open Scholarship Impact to Your Classroom & Research

UW Libraries

Free Digital Scholarship Open Hosting Platforms from UW Libraries TIPS FOR FACULTY AND INSTRUCTORS We are happy to explore options for sharing your research and scholarship with these tools, or working with you to incorporate them into your teaching! We can offer consultation and classroom instruction on considerations for open student work, Creative Commons and…

June 2, 2023

June Update

UW Libraries

We know there are so many things to think about at the end of the year, so we’ll keep this short! Above all, we want to extend congratulations to all graduating students — well done!! UW Libraries are proud to have been part of your UW journey, and we hope that you will stay connected…

April 28, 2023

May Update

UW Libraries

NEW! The Economist.com is now available from UW Libraries, adding to the free access to major global news publications you have as a UW student. From news to commentary and analysis on politics, finance, and business, The Economist provides insightful coverage on international drivers of change. The UW Libraries subscription includes full access to daily…

March 7, 2023

Student-centered design is key to successful undergraduate library programs

UW Libraries

UW Libraries tutorial featured as a best practice in new ACRL book  Authors: UW Libraries Student Success Team – Amanda Hornby, Emilie Vrbancic, Linda Whang As librarians, we are always looking for ways to improve services and resources for our users. One of the ways we do this is by partnering with others to get…

January 31, 2023

February Update

UW Libraries

It’s only February, and yet spring and summer planning is in full swing! Don’t miss upcoming information sessions for an amazing (and FREE) summer study program.  Start thinking about your I HEART UW Libraries Student Video Contest entries (and the chance to win some serious cash prizes!!) and get ahead of that winter quarter final…

January 12, 2023

Roman Holiday – Ethnomusicology Study Abroad Summer Program 

UW Libraries

Pasta! Piazzas! Pianos! Imagine walking past the Pantheon on your way to class, stopping for a cappuccino, and walking up a marble stairwell to your classroom in a 15th century palazzo built on the foundations of a Roman temple to Venus*. If you are interested in music, history and have always wanted to go to…

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