UW Libraries Blog


October 20, 2020

Improving Accessibility During the Pandemic 

Andy Andrews, Accessibility Coordinator, UW Libraries, Hana Levay, Collection Assessment Librarian and Andrew Weaver, Media Preservation Librarian

When UW Libraries buildings were closed at the start of the pandemic, our teams needed to respond quickly to adapt work for many employees whose jobs do not easily lend themselves to telework by identifying projects that could be completed remotely. At the start of the pandemic, we had multiple accessibility projects underway, but given…

October 2, 2020

How WordPress Templates Can Transform Your Online Teaching This Fall! 

UW Libraries

Calling all instructors! Are you looking for opportunities to teach digital and public scholarship skills in your classroom? Are you looking for alternatives to the traditional research paper? We’ve got you covered with WordPress site templates! WordPress templates are simple to set up and can be as easy to use as filling out a simple…

September 24, 2020

Reflections: 2020 Graduate Student Research Institute

UW Libraries

On Friday, September 4, the UW Libraries capped off its final session of the 2020 Graduate Student Research Institute (GSRI), a free and asynchronous five-day online workshop aimed at helping UW graduate students learn the tools and strategies they need to research “smarter, not harder.” First developed by the Libraries’ Instructional Design & Outreach Services…

February 14, 2020

HEALWA: The On-Call Library for Washington State Healthcare Practitioners

Patricia J. Devine, MLS and Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson, vice provost for digital initiatives and dean of University Libraries

Medicine, more so than many other disciplines, is a rapidly changing field. According to some estimates, medical knowledge doubles every few months, up from the fifty years it took to double in 1950.1 Using evidenced-based resources to provide the best care is imperative in the healthcare industry. Yet, unless healthcare workers are affiliated with an…

February 22, 2019

Change the title, change the work

Erin Grant

With cataloging work essential to strengthening our users’ ability to find information, catalogers have begun exploring new ways of working to meet the challenges of evolving university needs. With seemingly one small naming tweak to a standing committee, we have established a new venue for staff development that will directly inform our ability to improve…

January 24, 2019

Learning new skills through collaboration

Heather Johnson

Less than a year after our first meeting, the Staff Learning Opportunities for Technical Services (SLOTS) working group is proud of what we have accomplished to date. Comprised of staff members representing divisions of the Libraries Collections & Content portfolio who are collectively responsible for the development, discovery, and management of the Libraries resources, SLOTS was issued…

January 15, 2019

Elevating EDI for all Libraries staff

Sarah Leadley

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) themes are prominent in the Libraries Strategic Plan, Spanning our values statements, strategic directions, and goals (as well as the UW’s values and priorities), several Cabinet members and I are developing an EDI initiative that aims to achieve multiple, related goals: fostering an equitable and inclusive staff culture; improving communication to foster…

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