Contemplating Chocolate…

I can’t remember the first time I tried chocolate. However, there’s a photo of it: me on my first birthday with a chocolate cupcake I had smashed on my face. Delight is tangible on face, although it’s hard to discern whether that’s from the cupcake or the act of smashing it. Either way, chocolate is something we generally associate with pleasure, especially in American culture. It’s not something we eat to sustain our bodies, it’s something we eat for the pure pleasure of taste, to celebrate a special occasion, or treat ourselves after a long day. The contemplative practice on chocolate urges you to think about the chain of commodities behind chocolate – to think about the labor (and to some degree, the suffering) that was invested for a single bar of chocolate. In this sense, a contemplative practice has equal power to be peaceful as it does to be disturbing. It’s easy to be a blind consumer, after all, a lot of businesses are not seeking to empower you. It’s not like the food you buy at the store or the coffee you drink says, “Made in exploitative conditions!”, it’s on the buyer to look for the fair trade certifications and hope that they mean what they say, often at the expense of a few extra dollars. 

However, there are many intricacies of fair trade, and none of them are particularly clear without further research. After doing the contemplative practice, I felt inspired to look at another product I use everyday (tea) to see how equitable it was. I saw a lot of little labels on my boxes of tea, a “fair trade label”, a “certified b corporation”, “quality assurance international”. But what do they mean? In class, we have read and discussed how the individualization of food and environmental responsibility can lead people to believe they are making a difference without actually working towards any political change. The little labels we choose to read or not read urge us towards a similar end. The reality is I can buy my certified fair trade organic peppermint tea that was produced in Sri Lanka and still have no idea what that really means or what conditions it was really produced in. I may feel I did the ethical thing but I also bought a Nestle Candy and who knows what conditions that made in. 

My overall point is we are global consumers, and it’s hard for us to know where our products come from and how ethical that is. On an individual level, we can work towards understanding the sources of food, but there’s not going to be actionable change until there is more consistent transparency in our food system.

15 thoughts on “Contemplating Chocolate…

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  10. Thank you, sawyerbe, for such an insightful article. Your musings on chocolate not only took me down memory lane but also shed light on the often overlooked ethical aspect of our consumption habits. Like you, I’ve found myself pausing at labels, trying to decipher their true meaning and the implications of my purchase choices. Your mention of the contemplative practice highlights a critical aspect of consumption: the responsibility that comes with awareness. In today’s globalized world, it’s indeed a challenge to trace back the origins of every product we consume. It reminds me of a link I stumbled upon recently:, which offers a unique perspective on WoW Dragonflight Season 3 raiding. We often get so engrossed in the immediate pleasures that we forget the backstory. I wholeheartedly agree that while individual efforts are commendable, true change can only come from systemic transparency and responsibility.

  11. I totally get the importance of contemplating where our products come from and the ethics behind them. It reminds me of how in Destiny 2, I sometimes consider the gear I use in terms of how it’s acquired or its lore background. Speaking of which, if anyone needs a Destiny 2 boost to tackle those tough missions or raids, there are some awesome services like wowvendor out there to make the game more enjoyable. It’s all about making informed choices, whether it’s in our everyday products or our favorite games!

  12. I appreciate the author’s reflective journey from contemplating chocolate to examining other everyday products like tea. It’s a wake-up call for all of us to question the origins and ethics of what we consume regularly. The issue of transparency in our food system is indeed a significant challenge, and it’s something that both consumers and businesses need to work on collectively. This article encourages us to be more mindful consumers and advocates for greater transparency and fairness in the products we rely on.

  13. This article brings up such an important point about the hidden complexities behind the products we consume daily. It’s true that many of us, myself included, often turn a blind eye to the origins and ethical considerations of what we buy. The example of fair trade certifications and labels is particularly striking because it highlights how even when we think we’re making ethical choices, we might not be fully informed. It’s a reminder that as consumers, we need more transparency and information about the products we purchase, and it’s also a call to action for businesses to be more upfront about their supply chains and labor practices.

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