Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis Laboratory


September 7, 2020

Discoveries in Remote Sensing – a new section of Remote Sensing MDPI journal

Happy to let you know about this DEI engagement (aligned with the RSGAL DEI mission), that Dr. Halabisky is collaborating on with an incredible team at the MDPI Remote Sensing journal to highlight Discoveries in Remote Sensing, a little more directly form their website: “Research demonstrates that businesses are more successful and profitable when they…

September 4, 2020

NASA Funded TealCarbon Project Field Season 2020

It’s official, we are collecting soil samples for the NASA Funded TealCarbon Project, Dr. Halabisky has already completed one trip out to the Hoh temperate rain forest watershed on the Olympic Peninsula, this week she and our incoming PhD student (he officially starts his graduate program in September but has been working on the project…

June 20, 2020

RSGAL work on cover of Remote Sensing journal

It has not been long since we said goodbye to Yukio Endo, a MS student visiting RSGAL from Tohoku University, Japan (March 2019-March 2020) as part of Dr. Moskal’s collaboration with Dr. S. Koshimura (also Tohoku University) on remote sensing usage for natural hazards through the 2019 M9 Stakeholders Workshop at UW sponsored by National…

June 9, 2020

Start of Field Season 2020!

First RSGAL research flight of 2020, under a covid-19 health safety plan, for rare plant monitoring with MicaSense Red-Edge camera on DJI Mavic, piloted by RSGAL PhD student Colton Miller for MS thesis research by Drew Foster. This project is a collaboration with the awesome Wendy Gibble at UWBG, Associate Director and Manager of Conservation…

May 13, 2020

Monitoring Wetland Invasive Vegetation with Drones: Pilot Study on Reed Canary Grass

Friday, May 15th at 2:40, Astrid Sanna (RSGAL Undergraduate student 2019-2020) will be presenting her poster in the UW 23rd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. This year, well over 800 students will be presenting their work in a wide range of disciplines in poster and lightning talk sessions, oral presentation sessions, a performing arts session, and…

May 12, 2020

Digital Earth – new course for summer 2020!

Consider this new offering and learn to harness remote sensing and geospatial technology to see the planet in a new light. Dr. Meghan Halabisky and Dr. L. Monika Moskal have been working on developing the Digital Earth course under a curriculum development grant from UW SEFS for over a year specifically for online teaching but…

November 23, 2019

Ladies of Landsat (LoL) makes front page of Google Blog

 Great story about LoL, Morgan Crowley is featured,  RSGAL’s own Dr. Meghan Halabisky was they keynote in the past and continues to attend Google for Good meetings (see her in the registration line photo below?).  

November 12, 2019

Remote Sensing Training from NASA

Some great webinars from NASA – FREE!!!

November 5, 2019

Ladies of Landsat (LoL) intro on The Scenes from Above podcast

Have you heard of ‘Ladies of Landsat’ yet; Morgan Crowley gives a great intro on this podcast? Listen to S6E1: Ladies of Landsat from The Scene From Above Podcast

October 29, 2019

UW SatHack Fall 2019

SatHack Fall 2019 The eScience Institute will be hosting a Satellite Imagery Hackday starting from Nov. 14, 2019 at 4pm – Nov. 15, 2019. Join us for an entire day dedicated to working on exciting satellite imaging/remote sensing projects!Do you have a pressing satellite imagery problem? Do you want to try out a new tool…

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