OER Resources While Working From Home

Need to find more robust course materials that are available online?

Open Educational Resources, or OER, are materials designed for teaching and learning that are free to students and that also grant permission for people to use, share, and even revise the content. This online guide can help you learn about, find, use, and even create OER.

Want to encourage student agency?

Class photo of TCOM 347: Television Criticism
Class photo of TCOM 347: Television Criticism

Open education goes beyond the materials educators and students use in the classroom. It can also shape the entire process of teaching and learning in a way that encourages student agency, actively creating and sharing knowledge, and community participation (Cangialosi, 2018). Check out some examples of open pedagogy assignments on UW campuses (including right here at UW Tacoma!) below.

Need help with OER?

We’ve got a team of folks who are happy to help you!