A look back at 2024

Our work is hardly all about the numbers, but let’s be honest — we do count things to help us keep track of how our services and resources are doing. Here’s a look at some library stats from the last year, mostly collected in early December 2024.

LibKey Discovery

UW Libraries is pleased to announce the activation of LibKey Discovery, part of a suite of powerful scholarly access tools designed to remove barriers and increase efficiencies around digital access by providing one-click access to articles. By reducing the number of steps it takes to find, view and download materials, LibKey will save researchers countless Read More…

Craft for a Cause

Are you looking for ways to show-up for others, to be the change you want to see in the world, or want a quiet way to make your voice heard – try Craftivism! Craftivism is a form of activism that incorporates craft elements like knit bombing, political cross stitch, or even making masks during the Read More…

Now Open: The Learning Commons’ Makerspace!

Visit the Makerspace 10am – 5pm, Monday through Friday Snoqualmie Building, First Floor https://tacomamakes.ds.lib.uw.edu/ Managed by UW Tacoma Library Information Technology, the Makerspace is an entirely new service for the UW Tacoma campus that provides students, faculty, and staff creative opportunities through reciprocal teaching and learning. It is intended to break down traditional power structures Read More…