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In the midst of a stressful time, we are so happy to have some wonderful news to share; GME is thrilled to introduce our NEW addition to the Wellness Team: Dipti Chrastka, LMFT!

Dipti is excited to join the UW GME Wellness team! Here is her introduction for you all:

“As a young child, I discovered that I loved being around people and enjoyed listening to stories. Being patient, caring, offering support were values that I held deeply. This inspired me to study Clinical Psychology and volunteer in underserved, low income and minority communities. In 1994, I completed a Post Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.

I worked in a clinic setting as well as outreach to schools with the goal of reducing stigma and building awareness of mental health and wellness.”

“I grew up in Bombay, India and have lived in the US for 28 years where I have continued to work in the field of behavioral health. My work has been with adults, children, youth, families, schools and communities of color with poor access to resources. I am an Ethnic Minority consultant and trainer, with over 25 years of experience.  This has included leading conversations and training on how to support Asian/Pacific Islander populations . I have a strong sense of fairness, equity and social justice. Having worked the gamut from behavioral health, community mental health, consultation to crisis, I am very excited about this new role.

My goal is to build a culture of wellness that encourages a healthy work environment, community building, and purpose as well as stress-management. This includes improving access to health initiatives, and working collaboratively to create an impact on the system as a whole.

My favorite quote that guides me is ‘Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much’.”

In her spare time, Dipti loves playing sports. She is an avid table tennis player (started playing before she was 5 years old!) and participates in tournaments every year! You won’t have to wait long to meet Dipti—she will be starting at GME Wellness this Monday, March 23rd at HMC!