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Today UW GME is excited to formally open the Resident / Fellow Well-Being Index. This validated tool was created by researchers at Mayo Clinic and is an opportunity to help you, our residents and fellows, better understand your overall well-being and areas of risk compared to other trainees across the nation. After taking the short 7 questions assessment you’ll be connected with targeted local and national resources.

We hope the information and resources provided are an asset to you. GME and UW Medicine will be using the data collected to prioritize our efforts to improve trainee well-being. We plan to solicit participation twice a year (September and April) and will report back to the community on the actions being taken as a result of the Well-Being Index data.

It’s important to note that this tool is 100% anonymous – your information and score are private and your individual score will not be shared with UW Medicine, your program or UW GME. Scores will only be available in aggregate when the program sample size is over 5.  Learn more about this initiative and view FAQs.

The first assessment window for the tool is September 1, 2020 – October 13, 2020 although the Index will remain continuously open. We hope you will participate, sign up now to take the assessment.

Thank you for being part of our community,

Dr. Jennifer BestJennifer A. Best, MD
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Associate PD, Internal Medicine Residency Program
School of Medicine | UW Medicine