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Concern Reporting

Dear GME Community,

Two of GME’s strategic focus areas, Advocacy and Integration, highlight our office’s commitment to our residents, fellows, programs and the clinical learning environment. These values manifest every day.

One that we would like to describe here is how you can report a concern.  Residents, fellows, faculty and program leadership raise concerns to the GME team in many ways, including calls, emails, hallway conversations, Special Reviews and survey results. Within GME, we view each report as an opportunity to support members of our community.

We would like all of you to be aware of GME’s newly revised Report a Concern Form. This web-based tool allows anyone in our community to raise a concern – even anonymously – directly to the GME Office.  Past concerns have included clinical and educational work hours, hostile work environment, quality of sleep rooms, challenging faculty interactions and parking safety.

When the GME Office receives a concern via the Report a Concern Form, we first seek to understand what was submitted.  We’ll reach out to get more information if the individual has shared contact information.  Our goal is to mitigate any immediate safety issues, identify a long-term solution and find the safest path to that solution. Next steps may include reaching out to hospital leadership, program directors, department chairs or others who influence the clinical learning environment. Most solutions will arise from partnerships between these groups and GME.

We want to work with you to find solutions. We know that it can be uncomfortable to report a concern, but feedback from members of our community allows us to actively make improvements.  Reporting can also support other residents, fellows, faculty or staff by ensuring that their learning and working environment is the best it can be.

We especially want to hear from our residents and fellows, understand their concerns and advance trainee-centered solutions. We encourage you to use the Report a Concern Form.

Help us help you!

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean for GME and DIO

Jennifer Best, MD
Associate Dean, Accreditation and Education

Cindy Hamra, JD
Assistant Dean, Operations and Administration