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Dear GME Community,

We hear from many of you that one of the UW GME learning environment’s greatest attractions and strengths is our diverse range of clinical settings across Seattle, the region and the world.

With that comes the need for UW residents and fellows to adapt to navigate many settings and systems, which can add a cognitive and logistic load when time is limited. In today’s edition of the GME Blog, we wish to highlight a new resident-friendly resource on the GME Website: the Information by Training Site: Sleep/Rest Facilities, Food, Quiet Spaces resource page

Our team’s hope is that this will become the “one-stop shop” for information on resident and fellow resources located at each of our major training sites: UWMC-Montlake, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle Children’s Hospital, VA Puget Sound, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and UWMC-Northwest. The page offers links for essential information on sleep and rest facilities, food, lounges, and in response to resident and fellow feedback, information on prayer and meditation rooms. This information has been added to existing information on our website that summarizes lactation facilities and parking information by training site.

Though this long-term project reflects effort involving many in the GME Office, we especially wish to thank Natalie Brady, our Learning Environment Specialist, for her detailed work and persistence in compiling this information from our training sites and formatting it so nicely for use.

Please take a look! Our office welcomes feedback from anyone in our community on additions or corrections, as we look to improve and maintain this as a high-quality and reliable tool.  Please send any feedback about this new page to

Wishing you a wonderful week,

Jennifer Best, MD
Associate Dean, Accreditation and Education

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean for GME and DIO

Cindy Hamra, JD
Assistant Dean, Operations and Administration