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HAPPY THANK A RESIDENT DAY / WE (heart shape) our residents. This annual celebration of humanism is hosted by The Arnold P Gold Humanism Honor Society


On this Thank A Resident Day, the UW GME team offers its gratitude to every one of our residents and fellows. It is our team’s privilege to support, serve, and advocate for you as you pursue your paths to improving the health of communities across the world!


Today, we thank you for:

  • Advocating for what your patients need, even when it is hard.
  • Being there, even when you are tired.
  • Caring for each other, even when it means extra work.
  • Discovering solutions after asking hard questions.
  • Enriching our community with your life experiences and unique perspectives.
  • Forging ahead and speaking up when you see injustices and inequities.
  • Getting to know one another and building community
  • Helping junior residents and sharing your knowledge with students
  • Inspiring others with your courage

We work each day to do the same for you because we know you are the future.


Each one of you is a source of pride for your friends and loved ones, your program directors and faculty, your patients, and this institution. We hope you also pause for a moment today to feel deeply proud of yourselves, where you are now, and where you are heading. So many good things are ahead!



Jennifer Best, MD
Associate Dean, Accreditation and Education

Cindy Hamra, JD
Associate Dean, Operations and Administration

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean for GME and DIO


Photo collage of trainees



HAPPY THANK A RESIDENT DAY / WE (heart shape) our Fellows. This annual celebration of humanism is hosted by The Arnold P Gold Humanism Honor Society