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Dear GME Community,

Cindy Hamra Headshot

Cindy Hamra
Associate Dean, GME

Yesterday the GME Office hosted New Resident & Fellow Orientation with nearly 400 of the over 500 incoming residents and fellows in attendance!  GME Orientation takes months of planning by many members of the GME Team and I’m thankful to this great group for an excellent event!  The Huddle also featured an article on our incoming residents and fellows: Welcome, 2024 UW Medicine Trainees.

In addition to Orientation, June is graduation month for many of our trainees.  We also celebrate Juneteenth, Pride and the first cohort of UW Medicine LeadUp graduates!

June News & Notes includes new policies regarding non-ACGME programs and Physician Impairment, several upcoming events and reminders.  Please reach out with questions or suggestions.



showing our PRIDE; UW Medicine signature block

Policies and Processes

  • The GME Office is currently hiring for a second Float Administrator (Req #233223). If you have questions about the position, please contact Gabrielle Pett.
  • The GMEC approved revisions to the following policies at the June meeting. All are posted on the Policies and Procedures page of the GME website.
    • Non-ACGME Accredited Programs Policy: Minor revisions, specifically updating name of the GMEC subcommittee charged with oversight of these programs (now the Non-ACGME Program Oversight Subcommittee).
    • Physician Impairment Policy: The GMEC approved significant changes to the GME Physician Impairment Policy, which outlines the protocol for UWSOM clinical training program leadership and residents when there are concerns about a resident’s ability to practice safely due to an impairing health condition. Please direct questions to Cindy Hamra.

Program Information

  • The GMEC has approved appointment of the following new program directors; ACGME appointments require Review Committee confirmation:
    • Brian Liem, Sports Medicine (PMR)
    • Gail Pokorney, Internal Medicine Alaska
    • Robyn Reed, Pediatric Pathology
    • Russell Ettinger, Plastic Surgery – Integrated
  • The GMEC has approved appointment of the following new non-ACGME program directors for three newly approved non-ACGME clinical fellowships.
    • Andrew Chen, Glaucoma
    • Coutney Francis, Neuro-Ophthalmology
    • Hanna Hunter, Cancer Rehabilitation
  • The ACGME has a weekly e-CommunicationIf you wish to receive it, email 

Events of Interest

  • GME Lunch & Learns
    • Join us on July 18 for ADS Annual Update and Program Oversight.
    • AY25 Lunch & Learn schedule is posted to the GME website.
  • Save the Date: The fifth session of our Cultivating Skills in Feedback and Critical Conversations Education Series is August 6 from 12:30pm to 2:00pm (Zoom). The topic is: Supporting BIPOC and URiM trainees. Program directors, associate program directors, program administrators and faculty are welcome. An RSVP email will be sent out closer to the event.
  • Residents & Fellows are encouraged to register for our June 25, 2024 lecture on ‘Bystander Intervention’ with Jonathan Kanter, PhD and Lee Davis from the Office of Healthcare Equity. Register using this link.
  • Thalamus Demo (Date Change): Program Directors and Program Administrators are invited to join a Thalamus Demo on Tuesday, July 16 from noon-1pm. A calendar invite has separately been sent to programs via email from Gabrielle Pett. The July Program Administrator has been cancelled as the Thalamus meeting noted above was previously set to take place the same day.
  • We’re pleased to invite training programs to enroll in the 2024-2025 GME Quality and Safety Foundations Course. Developed by the UW Center for Scholarship in Patient Care Quality and Safety, this course provides high-quality, efficient instruction in Quality Improvement (QI) and Patient Safety (PS) for residents and fellows. Detailed information on fees and the curriculum is available on the GME Quality and Safety Foundations Course. Enrollment is at the program level, based on total program size.  We’re excited to share that the Dean’s office and GME have provided substantial funding to reduce course costs.
  • As a reminder, PDDS is now EDGE! In an effort to enhance inclusivity and because we welcome individuals other than program directors to our events, we are rebranding PDDS as Educator Development for GME Excellence (EDGE). Specific times for Spring 2025 sessions will be shared in advance of the 90-day UW Medicine clinical schedule deadline.
    • Thursday, September 19, 2024; 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: “Coaching to Consequences: Support and Remediation of Challenging Trainee and Physician Behaviors”: Dr. Eva Aagaard, Washington University
    • Tuesday, October 22, 2024; 9:00 am – 10:30 am: “Entrustable Professional Activities: Dr. Brenessa Lindeman, University of Alabama-Birmingham
    • Tuesday, March 18, 2025; TBD between 9:00 am and 12:00pm: “Supporting Trainee Disability Accommodations”, Hayley Fisher, UW GME
    • Thursday, April 24, 2025; TBD between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm: “How Our Program Does It” Session: Individualized Learning Plans OR Trainee Professional Development Curricula (concurrent)
  • Other GME Events can be found on our calendar.

Projects and Resources

  • First Page of GME Annual Program TimelinePlease review the GME Annual Program Timeline for important dates for the months of June and July.
  • The GME Track Annual update opened on May 15th. To assist you with this process, we have updated the GME webpage with valuable information and resources, including the GME Census timeline, steps for completing the program and resident surveys, and FAQs. Please note that the deadline for the August FREIDA Online Listing is July 12, 2024, with the final deadline being December 13, 2024.
  • The UW GME Office has updated our Recruitment Resources for 2024-2025. There are no substantive changes regarding interview formats from last academic year.
  • The GME Office would like to update our collection of trainee photos for use on our website, promotional materials, and articles for The Huddle/other in-house publications. We would very much appreciate programs submitting photos of trainees engaged in training, wellness, learning, or volunteering activities.  Please use our GME Photos Request form to upload any available photos. Please note that for compliance purposes there must be a photo waiver on file for any individual in the photo.
  • The 2024-2025 SCH QI Scholars Program Request for Applications (RFA) has been released. Applications are due on June 28, 2024. More information is available here: How to Apply | Seattle Children’s ( Please contact Dr. Lori Rutman, Program Director, with questions.
  • In February, UW GME launched the new UW GME WhatsApp group exclusively for residents and fellows. Since its launch, we’ve welcomed over 220+ trainees to the community, and we have Expanded our Opportunities to include interest groups like “GME Parents” and “Quick Meals on the go!” Additionally, some other WhatsApp groups, such as “UW IMG Residents & Fellows” and “UW Surgery,” have linked up with the UW GME community, further enhancing connectivity and collaboration.
  • The GME Office has put together a resource regarding information about legal matters for trainees. This document was created with input from Risk Management and Claims Services and is designed to be used by both trainees and programs. The resource is posted to the GME Website and can be found on the Current Residents and Fellows page under UW Resources.
  • Physicians Anonymous is a peer based nonprofit organization which offers free anonymous support groups with med students, residents/fellows and MD/DOs who are suffering from burnout/mental health/suicidal ideation and substance use. There are a couple of groups during the week (free) and they also offer coaching (nominal fees).  The group is fully anonymous so there is no mechanism for documentation or mandating referrals.
  • Get legal services through the WA EAP: If you or your family are facing a legal issue, the Washington State Employee Assistance Program can help with free expert advice from a qualified attorney, plus online support with legal forms, simple wills and a library of legal articles.
  • Use your backup care benefit at select summer camps: Your backup care benefit through Bright Horizons applies to discounts at Steve & Kate’s Camps around the Puget Sound, where your child can design their own day of activities.
  • Keep moving with Fitness Day partner discounts: Feeling energized by UW Fitness Day and want to keep moving? The Whole U’s community fitness partners offer great discounts to UW employees on classes and memberships.
