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Dr. Byron Joyner Headshot

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA

Dr. Jennifer Best

Jennifer Best, MD

Hadar Duman, MHI - Headshot

Hadar Duman, MHI

I am pleased to offer this very brief version of the most recent CLER Site Visit Report from the ACGME. As you recall, the CLER Site Visit was a bit of an uncomfortable “cold shower” to the start of a new academic year. But, like most cold showers, the aftereffect was refreshing. The UWMC-ML 2024 CLER Report provides us a vision for us to make changes to improve patient safety and quality of care in our unique learning and working environments.

I want to thank Dr. Best, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Education and Hadar Duman, Director of Accreditation for condensing the 22-page CLER Report into a 2-page summary. If you are interested in a slightly longer version, I have compiled the 2024 CLER Executive Summary –a 7-page Cliff’s Notes version. This Executive Summary contains more context and is annotated with two intersecting and important resources. The first is the CLER National Report of Findings, 2021, an aggregated compendium of CLER site visits, assessing over 544 sponsoring institutions between 2017 – 2019. This pre-COVID-19 summary is a shadow of the past foundation of CLER. The second document is the new and yet-to-be-approved 2024 Institutional Requirements which attempts to provide us guidance for a CLER future, especially with the proposed new Section V.

Clearly, we have work to do. We can do it better together: “Many hands make light work.”


Hadar Duman, MHI
Director of Accreditation

Jennifer Best, MD
Associate Dean, Education & Accreditation

Byron Joyner, MD, MPA
Vice Dean for GME and DIO