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Events / Family Planning & Fertility and Navigating Parental Leave for Resident Physicians

Family Planning & Fertility and Navigating Parental Leave for Resident Physicians


Registration closes Monday October 5th.


This event is designed for all residents and fellows.  Topics include: considering your family building goals, learning about your fertility and how it changes as we age, options for fertility preservation, details about available parental leave and questions to consider, and a panel representing a variety of physicians with diverse families.  Sessions will be followed by an optional Q&A breakout room by topic.


Event Materials:


The Family Planning & Fertility and Navigating Parental Leave for Resident Physicians event is intended to answer questions and educate GME trainees about the various considerations to take into account when planning for your ideal family. Speakers will cover defining your future family goals, how fertility changes with age, options for delaying fertility or addressing infertility and how to navigate parental leave. A panel and breakout rooms by topic will be available to answer audience questions.