Zoom Settings and Troubleshooting
This page contains tips and troubleshooting related to Zoom and the live event.
We encourage you to confirm your Zoom settings prior to the live event.
Note – For the best connection, please join through the Zoom App. If you have the time you may want to go ahead and download the Zoom Desktop version as you will likely use it a lot in the coming years.
- Additional questions on how to join the webinar? Check out Zoom’s Help section.
- If you are having trouble hearing the presenters, learn more about joining audio by phone. (You can remain connected over the computer to view slides but will be able to listen in over your phone rather than computer.
What is the link to join the Orientation Webinar?
Please join the Live Virtual Orientation. (to be added closer to the event)
Help! I’m having a Tech Issue!
Please review the settings section at the top of this page and check out Zoom’s top tips.
Most general issues can be resolved with one of the following:
- Restart your computer.
- For the best connection, please join through the Zoom App
- Verify version of Zoom – You must have the most current version of Zoom in order to connect. In rare cases, you may need to uninstall and then reinstall the Zoom app.
- Delete your cache/cookies from your web browser.
- Try logging off and then log back in.
- Verify the URL (if you connected by clicking the hyperlink, try copying/pasting the link into your browser).
Other common issues
No video/audio
- Verify hardware is connected in Zoom (by using the ^ next to Audio/Video in the Zoom toolbar).
- Audio Troubles? Switch to headphones (or laptop/computer hardware that is installed on their computer, if you’re already using headphones).
- If you are having trouble hearing the presenters, learn more about joining audio by phone. (You can remain connected over the computer to view slides but will be able to listen in over your phone rather than computer.
Zoom lagging
- Connecting directly to the internet via an Ethernet connection. Alternately, If there are others in your home that are streaming videos or gaming, ask them to stop for the duration of the orientation session (usually this is what eats up bandwidth in residences).
If you continue to have troubles, please send us your specific issue, any troubleshooting that you have tried on your own and your phone number. One of our GME team members will call you to try to assist. If your Zoom name is different from the one referenced in your first email, respond with your name as it is displayed in the Zoom meeting.
I missed the live session! What can I do?
We’re sorry to hear that you missed the live Orientation sessions. Recordings from the event will be posted to the Orientation website by June 28th.