AAP Representatives

Every year, four residents from the intern class are voted upon by their fellow residents to serve as the AAP representatives from that class for the remainder of residency.  AAP representatives have formed the Advocacy Council, which meets four times per year to share excitement and updates on advocacy projects.  They also work with the Washington Chapter of the AAP on various projects, including organizing Advocacy Day in Olympia, our state capitol.  See below for a list of op-eds and testimony that residents have written and given in recent years.

Resident Testimony to WA State Legislature:

  • Sally Peach – Importance of free and low-cost school lunch programs, 2020
  • Caroline Hogan – Importance of healthy beverages in kids’ meals, 2020
  • Sarah Hutcheson – Improving access to mental health care for children and teens, 2020
  • Maggie Wright – Increasing Reach Out and Read funding, 2019

“Guest Opinion: Youth are facing mental health struggles during pandemic” – Emily Kemper, The Yakima Herald, 3/14/2021 https://www.yakimaherald.com/opinion/editorials/guest_editorials/guest-opinion-youths-are-facing-mental-health-struggles-during-pandemic/article_0144e956-b73a-5606-919c-caf30c13910e.html

“Mass shootings: Restrict firearm access” – Fred Rivera MD & Anthony Bui MD, The Seattle Times, 3/26/2021


“New mothers need care for child’s sake and theirs” – Georgia Griffin MD & Tania Haag MD, The Everett Herald, 1/4/2021

Link: https://www.heraldnet.com/opinion/comment-new-mothers-need-care-for-childs-sake-and-theirs/

“Our struggling youth deserve access to mental health treatment” – Emily Kemper, The Seattle Times, 12/22/2019

Link: https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/our-struggling-youth-deserve-access-to-mental-health-treatment/

“Seattle Pediatricians Call to Fund our Future: Invest in Black Lives” – Madeline Wozniak MD, Anthony L. Bui MD MPH, Melissa Martos MD, Courtney Gilliam MD, An Injustice, 7/6/2020

Link: https://medium.com/an-injustice/fund-our-future-invest-in-black-lives-fd7ef2


Climate Change

Pediatricians for Climate Action

Washington Pediatricians for Climate Action is a group started by SCH residents and dedicated to raising awareness of the impacts of climate change on children’s health. Our work includes research, education, and legislative advocacy. Current projects include: looking at reasons for ED visits and hospitalizations during wildfires, building a climate change and children’s health
curriculum, a national survey project to determine trainee knowledge of climate change and health, and working with the WA AAP and other groups to promote climate legislation at the state level.
 For more information, check out our website at: pedsforclimateaction.org

Health Equity Track


-Climate curriculum

-Eco restoration

-Mary Beth