Community Wellness Grant

The residency program has received a bonus from SCH to put into wellness- and community-building events for residents. The chief and broader GME team have lots of big ideas on how to use this money for you all, which we are hoping to start rolling out as the omicron surge fades. In the meantime, we would love to make some of this money available to you all and the many creative, great ideas we suspect you have on how to foster wellness and community despite COVID.


You can submit an application for the chief and GME team to consider here.



– Must be an event focused on building community and/or increasing either wellness or resilience

– Must be open to a broad swath of the residency program (e.g., everyone, everyone in a class, everyone in a track or extracurricular group)

– May have an attendance cap to ensure COVID safety (first come first serve, or random selection)

– Must be extremely COVID safe (subject to change pending status of COVID in the community): 1) Virtual attendance only or 2) outdoor gathering with all attendees either masked or consistently >6ft apart

– $$$ Cant be spent on EtOH due to hospital rules

– Max $250/event