Going Public: Opening Scholarship to All

Join us for Going Public: Opening Scholarship to All on March 26th from 9am – 12pm, a fully-online symposium about equity in the production of and access to scholarship.  Being public is one of the core tenets of the University of Washington. Open scholarship and going public with our research means engaging the broader community Read More…

Library Happenings: March 2020

This week the Library is recognizing and celebrating both Open Education Week and UW Libraries Student Employee Appreciation Week.  I’m not sure if these two honorary weeks have occurred in the same week in years past, but for me, the coincidence seems apt. Thanks to these “two weeks in one,” I have an excuse to Read More…

New Library Display: Mental Health and UWT

In an effort to destigmatize mental illness and spark conversations, the UWT library has partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)’s student chapter to create the display Let’s Talk About It: Mental Health and UWT.  NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. They are dedicated to building better lives for the Read More…