Dear GME Community,

Cindy Hamra

Cindy Hamra Associate Dean, GME

A continued welcome this month from the GME Office to the 500+ new residents and fellows who are joining UW School of Medicine to start their clinical training.  Dr. Joyner’s June blog post and The Huddle both celebrate new residents and fellows: Welcome 502 New Trainees.

July is Disability Pride Month, which honors “the history, achievements, experiences and struggles of the disability community in recognition of the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, landmark legislation that broke down barriers to inclusion in society” (see this WholeU article).  The GME Office supports with trainees and programs regarding disability accommodations.  Please reach out to Bre Smith, GME HR Manager, with any questions.

Finally, the Association for Hospital Medical Education has announced that August 18 is GME Professionals Day.  Please take the time to thank colleagues in your departments and programs who support our 200+ graduate medical education programs here at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

The July issue of News & Notes includes lots of important information as we start the new academic year.  If you have information you’d like included, please let me know.



Policies and Processes

Program Information

  • Welcome New Program Administrators:
    • Serena Wong, Headache Medicine, Movement Disorders, Neuro-Oncology, and Pediatric Neurocritical Care
  • The GMEC has approved appointment of the following new program directors; ACGME appointments require Review Committee (RC) confirmation:
    • Elizabeth Gass, Idaho Psychiatry
    • Deepika Nehra, Surgical Critical Care
  • The ACGME has a weekly e-CommunicationIf you wish to receive it, email 

Events of Interest

  • GME Lunch & Learns
    • AY24 Lunch and Learn schedule now posted
    • July 20: ADS Annual Update + Program Oversight
    • August 17: TBD
  • UW Medicine Center for Scholarship in Patient Care Quality and Safety has shared the following information about application deadlines for key quality and safety training programs (apply via the Center website):
    • August 3, 2023: Certificate Program in Quality and Safety: Designed for healthcare professionals and teams from all backgrounds. An outstanding development opportunity for your faculty and staff to mentor and execute QI projects.
  • Other GME Events can be found on our calendar.

Projects and Resources

  • First Page of GME Annual Program TimelineThe GME Office has posted an updated letter from Dr. Joyner for prospective residents and fellows to our GME Prospective Residents & Fellows page.
  • As of this month, UW employees will have access to a new benefit with the Washington State Employee Assistance Program (WA EAP)—a free health and well-being program that is just for Washington state employees.  The WA EAP replaces CareLink.
  • UW Medicine Equity Impact Review Tool The UW Medicine Office of Healthcare Equity has developed an Equity Impact Review Tool to help with decisions about hiring, budgets, policies, procedures, and everyday issues. The tool leads decision-makers through a series of six steps that explicitly identify potential equity issues and initiates a process to produce more equitable outcomes. For more information, please visit the OHCE website.
  • The GME Annual Program Timeline: Please review for important dates for July and August.
  • Based on feedback from our community, in AY23 the GME Office developed Total Compensation sample statements for trainees at the R1 and R4 levels, meant to reflect incoming residents and incoming fellows, respectively. The R1 & R4 Total Compensation sample statements have been updated for AY24. These resources are posted to the GME Prospective Residents and Fellows page under a Compensation section, which also includes a Comparable Total Compensation Table summarizing how UW total compensation compares with other West Coast Institutions.
  • Residents & Fellows – We want to hear from you! We hope to learn more about your current engagement with the UW GME Community and to understand opportunities for further connection and communication among trainees. Please take a moment to complete this survey and share your ideas about current and future GME education and community engagement events and tools.
  • Residents and fellows are eligible to apply for a Housestaff Emergency Loan through the GME Office. The purpose of the loan fund is to provide emergency financial assistance to residents and fellows.  The total amount of this loan has been increased from $1000 to $2500.  Please see the loan form for complete details.  As a reminder, our GME Financial Management for Residents & Fellows webpage is a great resource for trainees who would like to learn more about their finances and options as they prepare for graduation and a high-paying career.
  • Trainees are encouraged to subscribe to UW Medicine STAT|INFO ADVISORY which has been designed to disseminate official information via text message to keep the UW Medicine workforce informed during emergencies and situations that might disrupt normal operations.
  • A new opt-in module, Prioritizing Ourselves When Fatigued is a 5 minute training intended as a brief reminder on the important issue of fatigue.  Learning Gateway is happy to answer any questions about the module.
  • Our new Leave of Absence webpage is now live on the GME website. Here you will find LOA planning information and resources along with an intake form to contact GME for leave planning assistance: Leave Planning Submission Form.  This form can be completed by trainees or program leadership. The December 2022 Lunch & Learn on ‘Leave Policy and Guidelines’ provides an overview of both these new resources; please the recording and slides.
