GME Position Allocation Committee (GMEPAC)
- In scope: ACGME-accredited programs and positions; CODA-accredited programs and positions; programs transitioning from non-ACGME to ACGME accreditation
- Out of scope: Non-ACGME programs and positions. Refer to the Non-ACGME Program Fellow Complement Expansion Questions and Guidelines on the Non-ACGME Program Resources page for funding guidelines for new non-ACGME programs and program expansions.
GMEPAC Application Process for 2025-2026 (AY26)
Please review the following information regarding the GMEPAC application process for AY26.
- Review GMEPAC AY26 Timeline and Process
- The GMEPAC process does not cover the VA. To discuss VA changes or funding, please contact Cindy Hamra.
- Complete the GMEPAC Application for the second round of AY26 requests (due December 6, 2024)
- Applications are submitted via a Google form. To review the questions as a Word document, please contact Amanda Easton.
- Complete the Allocation Tool (updated process for second round of AY26 requests)
- Download the GMEPAC AY26 Allocation Tool via the ‘Save As’ function.
- Note the ‘Allocation Tables’ and ‘Multi-Year Allocation Tables’ tabs at the bottom of the workbook. Select the ‘Allocation Tables’ tab for a one time request. Select the ‘Multi-Year Allocation Tables’ tab for a request that will be implemented across multiple academic years.
- Select your program from the drop-down at the top of your corresponding tab. This will auto-populate your approved Single-Source Agreement for AY25 (which will be the baseline for your AY26 request).
- Review the detailed instructions next to each table for guidance on how to complete each table/section of the tool.
- Upload the completed allocation table with your application on Google forms.
- You may also upload additional supporting documentation with the application.
- The Program Director must discuss the application with all stakeholders [Department Chair, Division Head/Chief, Vice Chair for Administration and Finance, Hospital Medical Director(s)] in advance of submission.
- Following submission of your application, GME will contact you to schedule a meeting to review your application and allocations, prior to the GMEPAC meeting.
GMEPAC Resources
- Learn more about the GMEPAC Committee (charge, members, meeting schedule)
- GMEPAC Process for AY26 Lunch & Learn (April 18, 2024): Presentation Slides and Recording
- GME Process for ACGME Trainee Complement Increase (updated 4/23/2023)
Need additional GMEPAC assistance?
- For strategic discussions or VA funding discussions, please contact Cindy Hamra.
- For questions about the GMEPAC process, administrative support, or application submissions, please contact Amanda Easton.
- Reach out to Amanda Easton for 1:1 help in-person or via Zoom.
Cindy Hamra, JD, MA
Associate Dean, Administration and Finance
Phone: 206.685.5647
Contact Us
Cindy Hamra, JD, MA
Associate Dean, Administration and Finance
Phone: 206.685.5647