Report A Concern

UW GME is your partner.  We will support you with any concern. We are committed to creating and sustaining a safe and inclusive clinical learning environment. We take your concerns very seriously.

Reporting concerns takes courage. Sharing your concern with us will not only help you resolve your issue, but it can also help create a better environment for your peers. It takes all of us to make sure our peers are treated with respect and experience a great learning environment.

We’ll review your concern as soon as possible (typically within 48-72 business hours). If you provide your contact information, we will follow up with you to discuss next steps.

Learn more about what may happen after you submit, who will see your report and other FAQs.

Report A Concern - Current Form (Implemented Oct 2021)
Upload any relevant files

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I would like to report: *
Anonymous reports are welcomed however we encourage you to submit with your contact information. This will allow us to gather as much information as possible, and follow up on the report submitted.

If you do choose to report anonymously please be sure to include actionable information. For example, date, location, involved parties, etc.

This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

We Heard You

Concern raised about quality of mattresses in the Crow’s Nest
GME worked with UWMC-ML and HSB facilities teams and new mattresses were installed in January 2022.

Concern raised about faculty at a non-UW Medicine site creating a negative work environment
GME worked with program leadership and training site director to pair trainee with a different attending.

Download Media

Download a PDF flyer with a QR code that links directly to this page.  This can be posted in team rooms or wherever you think would be helpful.

GME Office

Phone: 206.543.6806


What can I report?

Anything that you feel is concerning. This can range from concerns about meals or sleep rooms​ to concerns about harassment, or work hours violations. The more you report your concerns, the better we can make your experience, and also the experiences of your peers. Making us aware of problems allows us to advocate on your behalf and make changes.

Why should I report?

Although we do our best to make sure all of our programs offer a great learning environment, residents and fellows are our eyes and ears. Sharing your concern will help us both resolve your issue and create a better environment for all residents and fellows.

Who should report a concern?

Anyone! If you are a member of the GME Community (e.g., resident, fellow, faculty member, program leadership, colleague), you can use this form. If you have a concern that impacts you, your program, patients or peers, please report it.

Can I report anonymously? What happens?

Yes, you can report anonymously, and we understand this might be the most comfortable way of reporting. However, we want to make sure you know that the more information we have, the better we are equipped to respond.​ We realize reporting a concern can be a difficult and uneasy situation. GME is your partner and will do our best to honor your boundaries and work with you on how to proceed in a way that is safe and comfortable. If you’re still uncertain about reporting, take a look at our FAQs for other options and people that can help address your issue.

What may happen after?

Every situation is different and we take every concern seriously. Sometimes raising a concern results in a tangible, visible outcome (like new lactation rooms in Harborview).  Sometimes matters have to be handled confidentially because of the sensitive nature, and you may not “see” an outcome.

In most cases, the process is as follows:

GME Concern Reporting Flowchart

Will my report result in disciplinary action for me or others?

Individuals who report concerns will not face disciplinary consequences for doing so. Depending on the nature of the concern, appropriate measures such as coaching or performance management may be taken for the individuals involved, excluding the person reporting. It’s important to understand that any such actions are managed confidentially through Human Resources. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected throughout the process.

Who will see my report?

Concerns are sent directly to Cindy Hamra, Associate Dean for GME. Cindy will review and share relevant information with appropriate contacts (i.e. GME Accreditation Team, Housestaff Affairs Team, program leadership, department chair, facilities team, medical directors, etc) based on the nature of the concern and the people who are best suited to resolving the issue.

What are some other ways I can report a concern?

Although GME is here to partner with you to resolve your issues, there are multiple avenues for reporting a concern through UW Medicine and the University in general.  For many issues or concerns residents and fellows may feel most comfortable reaching out to a program-specific contact such as your Program Director, Associate Program Director, Department Chair, a Faculty Mentor, or Chief Resident/Fellow.

If you prefer to speak to someone outside of your program, you may contact GME Leadership or utilize the GME Report-A-Concern tool.  UW Medicine and the UW also have many resources available to direct your concern.

You may direct your concern to any of the available avenues.  If you are unsure about which path to use, please feel free to submit directly to GME and we will direct it to the appropriate contact.

Table is in alphabetical order.

UW Ombudswebsite
UW Medicine Bias Reporting ToolwebsiteFor reports related to bullying, demonstrated biases or other bigoted beliefs.
Available 24/7
Civil Rights Investigation Officewebsite
The Civil Rights Investigation Office investigates complaints made about University employees and students that raise concerns relating to civil rights such as protection from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct.
Disability Services Officewebsite

Contact Us

GME Office

Phone: 206.543.6806