Dr. Joyner’s Blog: March
The early 20th Century was the birth of Black History Month. It began as a proposal of only a week. Carter G. Woodson, an American historian, author, journalist, and the founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, started what was...
Thank a Resident Day
Residency and fellowship are like few other times in one's life. Particularly this year, we are mindful of the sacrifices you are making for your education, and your patients. We see all around us evidence of your excellent work. Our office takes very seriously the...
GME News & Notes: February
As part of the GME Office's efforts to improve our communication, we have decided to expand our updates to bi-monthly. Dr. Joyner will continue to share a monthly blog post and we will add a monthly “GME News & Notes” blog post. This post will include updates about members of our community, policy updates, program changes, events of interest, and other updates.
Spring PDDS Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for GME’s Spring Program Director Development Series! Join us on Tuesday March 30th or Monday April 26th to learn about teaching clinical reasoning and quality improvement and patient safety.
Wellness Corner – February 16th
Dear Wellness Community, February 26th is "Thank a Resident Day" and we want to be sure to honor all the hard work that residents and fellows do throughout your training. You all keep superhuman hours (or maybe you would say inhumane depending on the week...) and...
DIO GMEC Update: January
This month is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Celebrate his life and his vision: Belonging! Thank you for taking part in learning more about diversity and inclusion, more about yourself! Enjoy the January 2020 GMEC Update. People Congratulations to the...