Wellness Corner
Wellness Corner – April 11, 2023
Dear Wellness Community, I watch the birds flitter around, gathering nesting material as they prepare their nests for new beginnings. The weather has been a bit of an enigma: a smattering of wet hail mixed with snow amid the whirr of lawnmowers, blooms in the yard...
Wellness Corner – March 14, 2023
Dear Wellness Community, Spring is in the air with longer and lighter days returning! The trees with new buds and blooms and the first flowering bulbs inspire awe and remind us of the patience, resilience, and persistence of the natural world to overcome obstacles...
Wellness Corner – February 14, 2023
Dear Wellness Community, Happy Valentine’s Day! Given the timing of this issue, I can’t resist leaning into this (cheesy) holiday just a little. Though capitalism has had its way with the day in recent centuries, its history dates back to long before that would...
Wellness Corner – January 10, 2023
Dear Wellness Community, Hello 2023. As we enter the heart of winter, we embrace the seasonal soul. It is a time of great stillness. It is a time of turning inward, reflecting on the past and planning the future. As each day gets imperceptibly warmer, longer, and...
Wellness Corner – December 13, 2022
Dear Wellness Community, Brr! Winter is here! Sweater weather has made its way to the Puget Sound. A winter wonderland is in full view outside my window. A blanket of white, fluffy snow covers the ground, little birds rest in a bush looking for food amid the tall...
Wellness Corner – November 8, 2022
Dear Wellness Community, As we move into the darker days of the season, I find myself feeling grateful for the return of the rain - clearing out the smoke, extinguishing the fires, and softening the earth once again. There is a cleansing that comes with the rain -...