Wellness Service Testimonial

Wellness Service Testimonial

I've met with a GME Wellness Counselor *
Please select your preference for sharing your feedback privately with the Wellness Service or publicly with the GME community. *


Please enter your name as you would like it to be publicly displayed with your feedback.
Are you open to follow up from a Wellness Counselor? *


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Dipti Chratka

Dipti Chrastka, LMFT

Director, GME Wellness Service
Email: diptic@uw.edu

Howard Schafer with cat

Howard Schafer, LMFT

Mental Health Counselor
Email: hischa5@uw.edu

Amy Wheat Headshot

Amy Wheat, LMHC

Mental Health Counselor
Email: amywheat@uw.edu

Contact Us

Dipti Chratka

Dipti Chrastka, LMFT

Director, GME Wellness Service
Email: diptic@uw.edu


Howard Schafer with cat

Howard Schafer, LMFT

Mental Health Counselor
Email: hischa5@uw.edu



Amy Wheat Headshot

Amy Wheat, LMHC

Mental Health Counselor
Email: amywheat@uw.edu