Elective Director: Gary Walco
206-987-2704| gary.walco@seattlechildrens.org
Elective Contact: Tina Dawson
206-987-2704 | cristina.dawson@seattlechildrens.org
Description: The pain medicine elective will expose pediatric residents to multiple aspects of pain medicine. The resident will participate in the inpatient pain service following medical and surgical pain consults. The elective would also consist of time spent in the Interdisciplinary Pain Medicine Clinic to gain exposure to the complex, multidimensional nature of pediatric chronic pain medicine and rehabilitation. Frequently encountered conditions include (but are not limited to) complex regional pain syndrome, whole body pain syndromes, headaches, chronic abdominal pain, and chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions. Residents will learn how multiple treatment modalities are applied to various painful conditions, including oral analgesics, opioids, neuropathic and adjuvant medications, neuraxial and peripheral nerve catheters, cognitive-behavioral therapy and other psychology based strategies, acupuncture, and rehabilitation. This elective may be useful to pediatric residents considering general pediatrics, critical care, palliative care, hematology/oncology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, neurology, pediatric rehabilitation, and anesthesiology.
Website(s): Pain Medicine Care Team