Elective Contact (Olympia, WA): Joshua Parlaman, MD
Elective Contact (Other Sites): Sahar Rooholamini, MD, MPH
206-987-1662 | sahar.rooholamini@seattlechildrens.org
Description: This elective is for the resident seeking to broaden their exposure to scope and sites of practice in pediatric hospital medicine with a primary clinical work site in Olympia, as well as adjunctive educational opportunity at Seattle Children’s Hospital. The elective aim is to deepen resident understanding of the role and responsibility of the hospitalist in patient diagnosis, treatment, triage, and transfers in primarily regional hospital settings. The resident will engage in practice of evidenced-based pediatric medicine and quality improvement (including safety) efforts alongside hospitalists and other medical trainees (family medicine residents, medical students) and staff. The resident will also develop, teach, and solicit learner feedback on a topic of his/her choice relevant to the care of the pediatric patient/family. Exploration of non-clinical roles of the pediatrician will occur in opportunities for shadowing/discussion with administration, utilization management, and/or community outreach. The resident will consider the variety of career/job opportunities in discussion/mentorship with pediatric hospital medicine faculty.