CEE Ugrad Weekly: WIN19 Planning and Requesting Add Codes/Waitlists

CEE Undergraduate Weekly (11.2.18)


As you probably know, today was the start of Period I registration for Winter 2019.  If you are unable to register for a CEE class, please submit an add code request here: http://tinyurl.com/ceeaddcoderequest

Submitting an add code request will place you on the waitlist and notify us that there is demand for the class in question.

There are a few targeted notices to specific student populations so please read through everything:


All CEE Students:

WIN19 Registration Reminders

  • Period I registration for WIN19 started today, Friday, Nov 2nd (Your registration date can be found on your MyUW registration page).

Please cross-check your course prerequisites against your degree audit.  This will ensure the registration system recognizes that you have satisfied the prerequisites.  If you see any discrepancies, please email ceadvice@uw.edu.



  • We also want to stress the importance of having backup classes.

If you find that your first choice of class or section is full when you try to register, check the time schedule notes for that class to see how to get on a waitlist or receive an add code.

We always try to accommodate those on the waitlist.



Additional Writing Requirement

  • We have been receiving a number of questions from students about satisfying the 4cr of additional writing.

There are a number of ways to satisfy this requirement, all of which are outlined here:



Schedule Planning Resources – WIN19



  • WIN19 CEE Course Updates – See the email we sent out (10/23) with information on CEE 457, CEE 424, TE and UD Electives.


  • SPR19 Update: Both CEE 420 and CEE 429 will have open registration for CEE majors in Spring 2019.

Professors Kim and Kaminsky have decided not to collect a survey for add codes as they have done in the past. Please let us know if you have any questions.

As with all courses, you will want to have a backup course in place and if you cannot get into your first choice on registration day, please make sure to complete an add code request to be added to the waitlist.



  • You will be registering for your Track I & II classes on your own for WIN19 & SPR19. We will not be distributing add codes.

Please make sure to stay in your assigned track.

Make sure to reference the BSCE degree sheet or BSEnvE degree sheet for information on the Junior Track Courses and Degree Requirements.




  • Continue taking program prerequisite courses as outlined in the sample 4-year plan on the BSCE degree sheet.

You should try to complete the Physics and Chemistry courses in sequence (through PHYS 123 and CHEM 152) by the end of your sophomore year, if possible, as the CEE Junior year is fully packed with required CEE 300-level courses.

You may also start on 300-level CEE courses as appropriate, if you have completed prerequisite courses, but we strongly recommend that you do so after you have consulted with a CEE Advisor.


CEE Undergraduate News Blog

  • Here you will find postings about jobs, internships, research opportunities, scholarships, new courses, and much more, organized in easily accessible categories.


As always, let us know if you have any questions!





CEE Undergraduate Advising

Civil & Environmental Engineering

College of Engineering

University of Washington


More Hall, Box 352700


CEE Undergraduate Resources

CEE Undergraduate News Blog


CEE Advising Appointments

(Ensure your time zone is set to Pacific Standard Time)

Brian’s Calendar

Mariko’s Calendar




Please share: 2019 Bonderman Fellowship application now available!

2019 Bonderman Fellowship application is now available!
Deadline: January 14, 2019, 12:00 noon (PST)

The 2019 Bonderman Travel Fellowship application is open and we encourage you to apply! This fellowship offers University of Washington graduate/professional and undergraduate students (from the Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell campuses) an opportunity to engage in independent exploration and travel abroad.

The first information session is next Monday, 11/5/18, 12:30-1:30 pm in Mary Gates Hall 206.

David Bonderman – the donor – wishes to give students an opportunity to experience learning and growth in new and unexpected ways. Bonderman Fellows will undertake international travel on their own for eight months, to six or more countries in two or more major regions of the world. Through solo travel the Fellows will focus on exploration and discovery, learning about the world and themselves in it.

Up to eight graduate and eight undergraduate Bonderman Fellowships will be awarded in spring 2019. Each Fellowship carries a $23,000 award to be used only for extended solo international travel. Fellows may not conduct research, pursue an academic project, or participate in a formal program or organization.

All applicants must be enrolled (for graduate students “on leave” status is not considered enrolled) and in good standing at the UW during the quarter the application is due and must hold US citizenship or permanent resident status. Good standing in this regard refers not only to academic but also disciplinary and conduct standing. Additionally:

GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL STUDENTS: All students in graduate or professional degree programs are eligible to apply.

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: All undergraduate students with senior credit standing AND who also meet ONE of the following criteria are eligible to apply: Continue reading

SCHOLARSHIP due Nov 9th: Coral Sales $1,000 scholarship opportunity

Hi all,

I am writing to let everyone know about a scholarship opportunity for students interested in transportation (and transportation construction) in the Pacific Northwest. The scholarship comes from the Coral Sales Company and has been awarded here at UW for quite some time. The award is $1,000 cash (2 awards given) and the selection will be made before Thanksgiving. Here are the applications particulars:


  • The recipient must intend to pursue a career in Highway/Transportation Engineering or Highway Construction in the Pacific Northwest (defined as Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska).
  • Outstanding leadership qualities and participation in extracurricular activities, both civic as well as professional, will be given significant weight.
  • The recipient must have lived in the Pacific Northwest (defined as Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska) for a period of at least six (6) years.
  • Only students with Senior or graduate standing will be considered.
  • GPA will not be considered in award of these scholarships. However, applicants must meet the minimum GPA requirements for the College of Engineering.
  • Prior Coral Sales Company / Douglas P. Daniels Scholarship Recipients are not eligible (you can only win one)


APPLY HERE: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4654132/2018-Coral-Sales-Scholarship-Application






If you do not know the Coral Sales Company, they provide highway safety solutions and are based in the Portland, OR area. They have awarded these scholarships since I was in school (I won one back in the day). They care about students and want to help them out in a meaningful way. The winners will, at some point, be treated to lunch with the regional Coral Sales folks up at the UW Club where the scholarship checks will be awarded.




Steve Muench
Tom and Marilyn Draeger / The Beavers Charitable Trust


Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mailbox 352700

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195



WINTER 2019 – ESRM 430 Remote Sensing of the Environment

ESRM 430 – Remote Sensing of the Environment – offered in Winter

In this class you will be exposed to the principles of remote sensing using  a combination of traditional and latest techniques including: working with point-clouds and SfM, image analysis including per-pixel classification, object based image analysis and Google Earth Engine time series. We will also be working with a conventional set of aerial and high resolution satellite imagery in the first half of the course and with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data in the second half of the course,  you will have the opportunity to apply these principles and obtain hands-on experience.  Environmental applications including watershed analysis,  change analysis, forest resources, wildlife, point and non-point pollution, environmental monitoring, land-use planning, urban-suburban-forestry interfaces, and outdoor recreation will be discussed and illustrated throughout the course.

We are currently updating the course website but for more information: https://sites.uw.edu/esrm430

November 14th – APWA UW Chapter November Networking Night

The 2018 APWA UW Chapter November Networking Night also known as MPAC Night is scheduled for November 14th at 05:00pm at the Intellectual House. This year’s speakers include Sound Transit Deputy CEO Mike Harbour and King County Metro General Manager Rob Gannon. We will also have a special guest from WSDOT, Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Urban Mobility and Access Patty Rubstello delivering opening remarks.

This is a excellent networking opportunity for all students regardless of specialization or interest, undergraduate or graduate level. Many different professionals in the civil engineering industry attend this event. Sound Transit will have a table staffed with HR personnel and possibly a manager from their design, engineering, and construction management (DECM) department to engage with students about internships and full time employment opportunities being offered. Sound Transit hires a wide spectrum of the civil engineering field including structural engineers, civil engineers who are focused in construction management , and of course conventional civil engineers.

Rob Gannon and Mike Harbour are very well respected in their fields. Mike graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BSCE and now is the Deputy CEO of Sound Transit. Network with professionals in industry and join Rob Gannon and Mike Harbour as they speak about the challenges their agencies face, how they are planning and constructing for transit demand, and how their agencies are leaders in the transportation field.

The registration fee $5/student pays for your catered dinner at the event.

Register here: http://www.cvent.com/events/mpac-transportation-in-the-21st-century/event-summary-f824c5f3cc094dcaa16ab6a64a94a596.aspx

Michael Dyer

APWA UW Chapter President



Transportation Capstone Opportunity

Dear Students,

Looking for a unique way to earn your capstone credit?  As part of the College of Engineering’s Industry Capstone Program, I am the faculty leader on a project with the UW’s Mobility Innovation Center and the Washington State Department of Transportation.

We are looking for two CEE seniors to join an interdisciplinary student team that will design a mobile ticketing system to help travelers adapt and find alternative transportation modes and routes, mitigating the impacts of major traffic incidents. The team is expected to include six students from CEE, CSE, HCDE, and Communications. The team will work over two quarters (winter & spring 2019) to benchmark current practices, design the system, and develop a protoype implementation.

Students will need to work on this special capstone over two quarters, and will receive a final grade in CEE 441 at the end of spring quarter.

(For those not interested in this opportunity, the standard Transportation & Construction Capstone will still be offered this year as well.)

Please reply to my email if you are interested, or have any questions!

Don MacKenzie

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of Washington



Twitter: @DonMacKenzie9


Kittelson and Associates Transportation Webinar – Tues, Nov 13th 9pm

Explore a Career in Transportation at our 2018 Webinar

A career in transportation has a direct effect on the safety, efficiency and equity of a community. Curious if this career path is for you? Kittelson & Associates invites you to join us for a webinar to learn more about it!

  • Tuesday, November 13, 2018
    Time: 9:00 p.m. (EST) / 6:00 p.m. (PST)

9:00PM (EST)/ 6:00PM (PST)

Registration is required at


Kirsten Wind Tunnel Hiring Announcement

The Kirsten Wind Tunnel (KWT, also known as UWAL) is pleased to announce the opportunity for undergrad students to join our crew. The University of Washington Aeronautical Laboratory (UWAL) is a research and testing facility for aircraft, vehicles, sports equipment, and more. Our facility, in operation since 1939, is located on campus near the HUB, right behind GUG. Our operations crew consists entirely of undergraduate students.

Undergraduate crew members run and maintain all wind tunnel equipment. Responsibilities also include data reduction and documentation using a variety of software tools. Customer service skills are needed to complement the technical aspects of the position. One benefit of working at UWAL is direct experience and contact with the aerospace and vehicle testing industries. Continue reading

CC@E Resources: Practice your Interview Skills!


There are lots of employer and career/internship-related activities and events happening on campus these days! Regardless of where you are in your job/internship search process, start practicing how to best communicate your strengths and qualifications in interviews. You should start preparing early (even before you have the actual interviews scheduled), so that you can be ready when you’re called in for the opportunity!

1)      Listen to CC@E’s Interviewing Skills Webinar: uw.joinhandshake.com/articles/10372

2)      Schedule a 1-1 Mock Interview session and practice with a CC@E Career Coach: Handshake – uw.joinhandshake.com

If you have any questions about your job/internship search, we are here to help! Visit us during our Walk-In hours: Monday-Thursday, 12:00-4:00pm, Loew 014. Continue reading