Internship Opportunity with David Evans and Associates, Inc.

Good afternoon,

I work for David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene and have two positions open for internships this Summer.  DEA is a Portland based engineering consulting firm primarily in the western United States.  I have included a link and descriptions below.  Please share this with your students as you see fit, particularly those who plan to be in the Inland Northwest for the Summer. I appreciate your feedback.  Thank you!


DEA’s Spokane and Coeur d’Alene offices are seeking 2 qualified interns to fill a Civil/Transportation Intern need to support our Roads and Highways group and Smart Mobility (traffic) group while working on transportation related projects.  Successful candidates will work on multidiscipline projects performing independent engineering calculations and design using specialized technical skills, experience and engineering judgment to transform concept designs into construction drawings and technical specifications. Design work may include freeway, highway and roadway design, signing and pavement marking plans, traffic signal plans, street improvements, utility plans, traffic control plans, storm water, technical writing, quantity calculations, and construction documents, and all supporting documentation.  Analysis work may include intersection and roadway segment capacity and level of service, highway safety, signal warrants, and other traffic studies. The candidates would also be eager to accept new challenges to diversify their skills by not only performing transportation engineering work, but also construction observation and general civil design.  Finally, successful candidates will have good interpersonal and communication skills, positive attitude, and a passion for work.

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Interdisciplinary Writing Program spring courses

The Interdisciplinary Writing Program spring course offerings are here! The IWP offers composition seminars linked with lecture courses across disciplines. In these seminars students grapple in writing with the texts, questions, and issues of the linked lecture. Our 5-credit courses will earn either a “C” or a “W” credit (whichever is needed), and students can take up to three IWP courses total. Students who take our classes report that they learn more (and get better grades) in their linked lectures, they love the intensive one-on-one instructor feedback on their writing, and they establish communities of support not often felt in the large lecture hall.

*And big news!* This spring we will be piloting an unlinked writing course, “Writing in the Discipline of English” (ENGL 297 A). This discipline-specific writing course will work with texts and methods from English Studies, but will not be linked with a specific lecture. Please recommend this course to any student who is interested in English or the humanities, and is seeking to satisfy a “C” or “W” credit. The course, like all our courses, is open to all.

Please contact me or Karen Wennerstrom at if you want to learn more.  Continue reading

Restoration Engineer With ICF

Good morning,

Please post or share this available position to Civil and Environmental Engineering graduates. If you need additional information please let me know.

Restoration Engineer

Pacific Northwest Branch


Job Description

The ICF Restoration Team is currently seeking a Restoration Engineer for our Pacific Northwest Branch.  ICF’s PNW Branch Restoration Team provides technical analyses and designs stream restoration and wetland mitigation projects throughout Washington, Oregon, and California. The main PNW Branch offices are located in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR and these offices would be the preferred location for the selected candidate’s home office.  Additionally, depending on the candidate’s professional experience and work location preference, the home office may be one of ICF’s other west coast offices or a work-from-home arrangement. The ICF Restoration Team includes over 20 individuals that collaborate to deliver rewarding projects, carrying designs from conception through construction and multi-year monitoring. We are currently expanding our team working on riverine and estuary restoration designs and construction oversight for projects underway in Puget Sound, Washington, the Columbia River Basin, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the Upper Santa Ana River near Los Angeles, and the Otay River in San Diego. Continue reading

An invite to ‘Women Across Engineering: Innovating Solutions for Health’ event

Join us for BioExplore’s Women Across Engineering: Innovating Solutions for Health event, open to all students! As a celebration of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, our event will feature women faculty and graduate students from a broad range of engineering departments on Monday, February 11 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in HUB 250. Pizza will be provided! The evening will comprise of:

·         Research flash talks,

·         Faculty panel, &

·         Dinner with faculty and graduate students

To attend, RSVP here. Sign-ups are on a first-come first-served basis, so RSVP now!


2019 UW Environmental Career Fair! Wed. Feb 20th – Hosted by College of the Environment

Step up your job search game by attending the 2019 UW Environmental Career Fair!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Mary Gates Hall Commons, UW Seattle Campus
Hosted by the UW College of the Environment

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Upcoming GO-MAP Events


Winter Quarter is well under way and the Graduate Opportunities & Minority Achievement Program (GO-MAP) will be hosting a variety of events in the upcoming weeks for graduate students of color.

Within the next week, we have a Real Talk Tuesday and our first Community Social of the quarter. Real Talk Tuesday’s provides a space for graduate students to relax, kick back, and talk about real issues in partnership with the Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity (CCDE). Community Socials provide students an opportunity to engage with fellow graduate students of color and build support networks among affinity groups. Our first Community Social will take place on February 6 in Kane 225 and our next Real Talk Tuesday will take place on February 12 in CMU 129. Continue reading

Structural Engineers Foundation Scholarships – Applications due April 29!

The Structural Engineers Foundation (SEF) is currently accepting applications for the upcoming academic year for undergraduate and graduate students studying structural engineering.   Applicants will be evaluated on scholarship, leadership, and academic involvement.  Up to four scholarships will be awarded, each in the amount of $2,500.  One of the four scholarships, the Max Zar scholarship, will be awarded to students enrolled in a school in Illinois. The Rubinos-Mesia scholarship is awarded to a student of Hispanic descent.

We are distributing the scholarship announcements via email only and sending the application announcements only to a select group of universities.  Please make sure your outstanding engineering students are aware of this program.

The Scholarship Information & Application form includes eligibility requirements and application guidelines and can be downloaded and submitted electronically.  This information is also available on our website. Scholarship applications must be received by Monday, April 29, 2019.  Winners will be notified by June 3, 2019.

The SEF was established in late 1993 in recognition of the 75th birthday of the Structural Engineering Act of Illinois.  It was set up to provide financial support for the educational and charitable activities of the structural engineering profession, including items like scholarships, honoraria for lecturers and research grants.  The Foundation is funded by individual engineers, engineering firms and other businesses and organizations associated with engineering and construction.  SEF is recognized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization by the Internal Revenue Service and contributions are tax-deductible within the limits prescribed by tax laws.

Nancy Radler

Programs and Technology Coordinator
Structural Engineers Association of Illinois

134 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 1910

Chicago, IL  60602


Office Hours:

Monday & Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Thursday: 9:00am – 6:00pm


Ph.D. Opportunities in Coastal Hazards and Resilience – U of Texas-Arlington

I currently have two open Ph.D. positions focused on coastal hazards and resilience in my research group at the University of Texas at Arlington, starting in Fall 2019. These positions will focus on (1) quantifying the contribution of groundwater to coastal flood hazards in the context of sea-level rise, and (2) assessing the effectiveness of nature-based and engineered infrastructure approaches to coastal flood protection. Continue reading

Nepal Study Abroad Opportunity – Info Sessions

Hi all,

Ben Spencer is a UW affiliate associate professor now based on Kathmandu, Nepal. He is running a study abroad program in Kathmandu in Fall 2019, for both undergraduate and graduate students. Details are below. Ben is trained as a landscape architect, but he’s also an inventor, and his study abroads are very much about building things.

InterAction Nepal | Design, Development, Global Health | Fall | 2019

InterAction Nepal is an immersive, interdisciplinary study abroad program offered with the support of the UW Department of Landscape Architecture, the JSIS South Asia Center Nepal Studies Initiative, the Department of Global Health and Traction | Nepal. The program will challenge you to delve into contemporary issues surrounding urban development in the Kathmandu Valley and respond to them at a local scale through community-based human centered design, project implementation and assessment. You will work with local students and residents of an underserved community to design and build a small-scale intervention in community infrastructure and evaluate project impacts on human and environmental health. You will also have the opportunity to pursue your own research interests through independent study. Program activities include lectures and discussions, organizational site visits, field trips within and outside the Kathmandu Valley, community meetings/workshops and hands-on design/fabrication/construction.

Information Sessions:

Gould Hall, Rm 102

Thursday, January 31st @ 12 noon

Friday, February 8th @ 12 noon Continue reading

Registration info for Spring 2019 CEE498/CEWA599: Advanced Surveying (5 credits)

Hi CEE undergrads,
I am offering the Advanced Surveying course again this spring (CEE498A/CEWA599B/CEW599E).

This course will cover several modern surveying techniques that can be used for a range of engineering and scientific applications. We will focus on high-resolution digital topographic mapping and 3D model generation using the following approaches: global navigation satellite systems (GNSS/GPS), close-range Structure from Motion (SfM) with consumer cameras, SfM with small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS AKA drones), and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS AKA ground-based lidar).

The detailed syllabus is here:

If you are potentially interested in taking the course, please fill out the following registration survey:  I will review responses and distribute add codes before/during spring registration.   Continue reading