The 14th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society will be held at the Washington State Convention Center in downtown Seattle, June 24 – 28, 2018. Dan Raftery is the chair of the scientific organizing committee. The conference has an overall goal of Making Connections, with major scientific themes of systems biology, big data, technology advances, precision medicine and translational science, plant metabolomics, the microbiome, and the exposome: environmental and nutritional metabolomics. In addition, the conference will provide a number of workshops for new as well as experienced researchers in metabolomics, and networking opportunities to help establish connections for early career scientists, metabolomics scientists across the Pacific Rim as well as globally.
The scientific program will be comprised of oral sessions, plenary and keynote talks, poster sessions, sponsored luncheons, workshops (some hands-on), and networking events. There will also be a range of social activities, including a welcome reception, an early career researcher mixer, and a conference dinner.
For more information on submitting abstracts and registering for the conference, please see the website link