Using the NMR/MRI/MRS Facility

New Users

Researchers wishing to start a new project at the 14T HRIM facility must submit a project proposal form (ProjectProposalForm.pdf) to Ryan McAllister ( If the study requires the use of animals, both the Animal Use Location (N101) and Animal Use Procedures must be approved on the researcher’s Animal Protocol. For those who wish to be certified as independent users, an orientation and training sessions must be completed.


Currently, Imaging experiments are limited to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday while High Resolution Spectroscopy is limited to Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday may be scheduled for any experiment with prior approval. Requests for instrument time by approved users can be made via the Google Calendar application (add link). The exact time and date assigned will be based on the instrument schedule and when the request was received. All new users will be given access to the calendar once they have completed training and are approved to use the facility.


Lab Safety

Please review the safety information and materials at the links below before reserving time at the HRIM facility.

Animal Use

Investigators using animal specimens will be required to meet all UW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee requirements. The UW IACUC webpage can be found at: