Chun-Ling Sun, PhD


Research Interests

Hypoxic biology and development of cytoprotective drugs against ischemia (hypoxia)/reperfusion injury

Honors and Awards

  1. Poster Award (Excellence in research), 2015, 8th Annual Academic Evening, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  2. Poster Award, 2004, the 19th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan
  3. Research Funding Award, 2001, Liver Disease Prevention & Treatment Research Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
  4. The 1996 GIBM Student Thesis Award, 1996, Institute of Basic Medical Science, Chang Gung University


Selected Publications

  1. Sun C-L, Zhang H, Liu M, Wang W, Crowder CM (2017) A screen for protective drugs against delayed hypoxic injury. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0176061
  2. Sun, C.-L., Kim, E. and Crowder, C.M. Delayed innocent bystander cell death following hypoxia in Caenorhabditis elegans. Cell Death & Differentiation 21, 557–567, 2014.
  3. Scott, B., Sun, C.-L., Mao, X., Yu, C., Vohra, B.P.S., Milbrandt, J. and Crowder, C.M. Mechanisms of hypoxia protection by translation factor depletion. J. Experi. Bio., 216, 2283-2292, 2013.
  4. Darland-Ransom, M., Wang, X.*, Sun, C.-L.*, Mapes, J., Gengyo-Ando, K., Mitani, S., and Xue, D. Role of C. elegans TAT-1 protein in maintaining plasma membrane phosphatidylserine asymmetry. Science 320, 528-531, 2008. (*equal contribution)
  5. Wang, X.C., Wang, J., Gengyo-Ando, K., Gu, L.C., Sun, C.-L., Yang, C.L., Shi, Y., Kobayashi, T., Shi, Y.G., Mitani, S., Xie, X.S., and Xue, D. C. elegans mitochondrial factor WAH-1 promotes phosphatidylserine externalization in apoptotic cells through phospholipid scramblase SCRM-1. Nature Cell Biology 9: 541-549, 2007. 

Contact Information

Mitochondria and Metabolism Center
850 Republican St, Room N121
Seattle, WA  98109-8057
Phone: 206-221-0348

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