Educator Development for GME Excellence (EDGE)
Welcome to EDGE! Our new and more inclusive education offering for all GME educators.
- Provide opportunities for program leaders to learn from colleagues and experts about best practices in GME
- Support excellence throughout UW GME
- Create a strong UW GME community
With this change, we have also modified: 1) the structure (now 4 unique sessions each year) and 2) attendance expectations.
We will ask that:
- PDs plan to attend 3 of 4 events each year
- APDs and Core Faculty plan to attend 2 of 4 events each year (individual or program choice)
We will continue to offer two unique events in the fall and two unique events in the spring, avoiding the busy recruitment period. All sessions will remain virtual – 60-90 min in duration.
Table of Contents
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events
- AY25
- AY24
- AY23
- AY22
- AY21
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Navigating Entrustable Activities (EPAs)
Presented by Dr. Brenessa Lindeman, University of Alabama – Birmingham
October 22 2024 Recording
Presentation slides
Evaluate and Manage a Patient with Gallbladder Disease – Intra-op (scenario)
Intra-Operative Phase
Evaluate and Manage a Patient with Gallbladder Disease – Pre-op (scenario)
Pre-Operative Phase
Learn at ACGME: Assessment Tools
The Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL): Evidence-based educational system
Coaching to Consequences: Support and Remediation of Challenging Trainee and Physician Behaviors
Presented by Dr. Eva Aagaard, Washington University School of medicine in St. Louis
September 19 2024 Recording
Presentation slides
Spring PDDS – March 19 and April 8, 2024
Nurturing Resident Well-Being through Mental Health support and Crisis Management
Presented by
Dipti Chrastka, LMFT, Director of Wellness, GME
Chris Bundy, MD, MPH, Executive Medical Director, Washington Physicians Health Program
Courtney Strong, LMHC, SUDP, Clinical Director, Washington Physicians Health Program
Christine Johnston, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Division of Allergy and Infectious Disease, UW Medicine
Jeffrey C. Sung, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UW Medicine
April 8th 2024 Recording
Best Practices: Program Strategies for Holistic Applicant Review
Presented by:
Rebecca Petersen, MD, MSc, Associate Professor, Program Director, General & Preliminary Surgery Residency Programs, UW Medicine
Josh Fischer, MD, PHD, Associate Professor, Program Director, Family Medicine Residency Program
Grant Hughes, MD, Associate Professor, Program Director, Rheumatology Fellowship Program, UW Medicine
Anita A. Thomas, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, Associate Program Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, UW Medicine/ Seattle Children’s
Başak Çoruh, MD, Associate Professor, Program Director, Pulmonary Critical Care Fellowship Program, UW Medicine
April 8 2024 Recording
Best Practices: Holistic Review Presenter Slides
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Clinical Grading in Medical School
While You Don’t See Color, I see Bias: Identifying Barriers in Access to Graduate Medical Education Training
Privilege Latter Exercise
Identify Wheel Exercise
Diversity Flower Exercise
How Clinicians and Educators Can Mitigate Implicit Bias in Patient Care and Candidate Selection in medical Education
The Consequences of Premature Abandonment of Affirmative Action in Medical School Admissions
Gender Bias in Resident Assessment in Graduate medical Education
How to Access the Advancing EDI Training Outside of the UW Medicine Learning Hub
Fall 2023 PDDS – September 27, 2023
Embedding Residents & Fellows into Institutional Learning Environment Initiatives: Teaming, Wellbeing and DEI
Presented by Drs. Vineet Arora and Chrissy Babcock, University of Chicago
Vineet M. Arora a et al. (2022) Implementation and evaluation of ignite (improving GME nursing interprofessional team experiences) to improve care in an academic health system, Healthcare. Available at:
Vineet M. Arora a et al. (2022) Implementation and evaluation of ignite (improving GME nursing interprofessional team experiences) to improve care in an academic health system, Healthcare. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2023).
OConnor, A.W. (2021) New program works to attract young physicians to serve Chicago’s South Side, UChicago Medicine. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2023).
Spring 2023 PDDS – March 28th and April 27th, 2023
Restorative Practice Introduction Workshop
Presented by Toni McMurphy, Founder of Infinity Impact
UW Community Building Circle (Facilitators Guide)
Marya, R. and Patel, R. (2021) Inflamed deep medicine and the anatomy of injustice. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Pranis, K. (2005) The little book of circle processes: A new/old approach to peacemaking. Intercourse, PA: Good Books.
Remen, R.N. (2001) My grandfather’s blessings. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.
Roberts, D.E. (2012) Fatal invention: How science, politics, and big business re-create race in the twenty-first century. New York, NY: The New Press.
Zehr, H. (2015) The little book of restorative justice: Revised and updated. New York, NY: Good Books.
Zehr, H. et al. (2015) The big book of restorative justice: Four classic justice & peacebuilding books in one volume. New York, NY: Good Books.
Loretta Ross Ted Talk on Calling in vs Calling Out
Other Contact Information:
Office of Healthcare Equity Webpage
Paula L. Houston, Ed. D., Chief Equity Officer, Office of Healthcare Equity
Spring 2022 PDDS – March 29th and April 28th, 2022
Interdisciplinary Teamwork in the Clinical Learning Environment
Presented by Brenda Zierler, PhD, RN, FAAN; Jennifer Sprecher (March) and Erin Blakeney, PhD, RN (April)
- Resources from the March chat
- Audience-generated Contingency Diagram (April session)
- Empathetic Communication Skills
- Structured Interprofessional Bedside Rounds (SIBR) Toolkit
- SIBR Onboarding Module
- Ideal IP Team Rounding — UWMC 5NE (Video)
- Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment Checklist (Figure 1)
- Multisource Feedback Form for ward round leadership skills (Figure 1)
- Simpson D, Brill J, Hartlaub J, Rivera K, Rivard H, Hageman H, Huggett KN. Interprofessional Education and the Clinical Learning Environment: Key Elements to Consider. AIAMC Annual Meeting. March 30–April 1, 2017. Amelia Island, FL.
- Irby, D.M. Improving Environments for Learning in the Health Professions. Proceedings of a conference sponsored by Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation in April 2018; New York, NY: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 2018.
- Passiment M, Zaveri P, Traboulsi EI, et al. CLER Pursuing Excellence: designing a collaborative for innovation. J Grad Med Educ. 2020; 12(4): 512-517. doi:10.4300/JGME-D-20-00712
- Questions? Contact Erin or Brenda.
Harmonizing the Milestones
Presented by Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE
- ACGME Milestones
- Resources including Guidebooks
- Within each specialty find webcasts and supplemental guides (click on the Milestones tab)
- Supplemental guides are especially helpful and include examples of how to assess various Milestones and additional resources.
- Milestones Guidebook for Residents and Fellows
- Learn at ACGME – Review Milestones related offerings
- Milestones Report 2021
- Note: Clinician Educator Milestones are currently available for feedback
- April 2021 JGME on Milestones 2.0
- DOCC and TEAM – Assessment tools from the ACGME
- Harmonizing the Milestones Poll Results
- Bierman JA, Hufmeyer KK, Liss DT, Weaver AC, Heiman HL. Promoting responsible electronic documentation: validity evidence for a checklist to assess progress notes in the electronic health record. Teach Learn Med. 2017;29(4):420-432. 2020.
- GME gathered resources for milestones and evaluations
- Questions? Contact or
Fall 2021 PDDS – September 20th and October 5th, 2021
Standing up to Microaggressions, Utilizing WPHP for Resident Impairment Concerns and Building Skills in Peer Support
Standing up to Microaggressions – Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD | Utilizing WPHP for Resident Impairment Concerns – Cindy Hamra, JD, MA and Laura Moss, MD | Building Skills in Peer Support – Anne Browning, PhD; Marie Cockerham MN, RN; Cheri Constantino-Shor, MSN, RN, CRNI, CMSRN; Sam R. Sharar, MD |
Spring 2021 PDDS – March 30th and April 26th, 2021
Teaching Clinical Reasoning: Three Perspectives on How to Enhance Trainees’ Experiences & Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Bootcamp
Teaching Clinical Reasoning: Three Perspectives on How to Enhance Trainees’ Experiences – Judith Bowen, MD, PhD; Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD; Jon Ilgen, MD, MCR | Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Bootcamp – Lindee Strizich, MD; Chenwei Wu, MD; Andrew White, MD; Todd Burstain, MD |
Dual Process Theory – Dr. Dhaliwal
Script Theory – Dr. Bowen
Managing Uncertainty – Dr. Ilgen
Assessment Tools:
QI is Everywhere: A framework for mentoring QI – Drs. Strizich and Wu
Teaching Adverse Event Disclosure in GME – Dr. White
Epic for GME QI/Research – Dr. Burstain