Healthcare Quality Resources
Quality Improvement is a core value in graduate medical education.
Educational Resources
- UW GME Graduate Quality & Safety Certificate
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School (Free): Allows health professions students, residents, and faculty to connect to learn the fundamentals of patient safety. The IHI Open School is a global learning community supporting the development of health care providers to enable the best possible care. They offer
- Online courses consisting of educational modules, including for GME Faculty.
- Project-Based learning with guided experiential training.
- Community of inter-professional chapters and networks.
- Duke QI Modules – Free videos on QIPS basics
- Certificate Program in Patient Safety and Quality
- WSMA Quality Improvement Course
- Center for Scholarship in Patient Care, Quality, and Safety Faculty Development Bootcamps
- Johns Hopkins Online Certificate Course
- Academic Medicine: Quality & Safety Collection of Papers
- QI and Equity: How to Design QI Projects to Reduce Healthcare Disparities – K. Casey Lion, MD, MPH
- Squire 2.0: The Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence – Tips for Manuscript Writing
Quality Improvement
3 Steps to a Successful QI Project
Dr. Chenwei Wu put the following resources together for project teams to review prior to beginning a QI project.
In Part 1 we review elements of a standard project charter template, the rationale for why a charter is so crucial to successful project execution, and estimate how much time you’ll need to fill one out (not that long, as it turns out!).
Get Involved
The ACGME includes competency in quality improvement concepts and methodology, as well as participation in quality improvement work at their training site as necessary components of physician education. Below you will find educational and curricular resources for QI, and numerous resources for trainees and faculty interested in getting involved with ongoing QI work or jumpstarting a QI project.
UW Housestaff Quality and Safety Committee (HQSC)
HQSC is a dynamic trainee-led organization with the vision of making UW Medicine the national leader in healthcare innovation and improvement. They maintain a rich site to discover possible QI projects and collaborations.
- HQSC Publications:
- Brick, a quarterly newsletter of trainee-driven improvement-related activities.
- House, a yearly publication showcasing QI work by trainees and faculty.
- The Safety Nut, a quarterly newsletter of the Subcommittee for Quality Improvement Reporting, Resident Engagement and Leadership (SQuIRREL). The newsletter highlights PSNs submitted by a trainee that led to system change.
- QI Boot Camp (Root cause analysis, IHI improvement model, PDSA cycle, change management); Distinguished Speaker Series; UW GME Graduate Quality & Safety Certificate
- Resources compiled by HQSC:
- HQSC Resources: HQSC Online Library on a shared Google Drive, including Internal Medicine QI Handbook; a set of QI Commandments, a charter template that doubles as a refresher to the IHI Model for Improvement, a development checklist, and statistical process control (SPC) worksheets.
- QI Match: Provides access to a catalog of projects seeking housestaff participation.
- Educational resources for the care of incarcerated patients (the product of a joint trainee initiated and driven QI/PS project by HQSC, NURF, and RFPU)
QI Data Access
- UW Medicine Patients are First Dashboard (requires UW NETID login): to learn about institutional healthcare quality priorities (AMC Domain credentials required)
- UW Medicine Data Access (AMC login required)
- De-identified Clinical Data Repository (DCDR): Online tool to identify patient cohorts and assess the viability of proposed research;
- UW Medicine Patients are First Pillar Goals (UW NetID required)
- Data Access Proper Use Training eLearning module (UW NetID required)
UW Medicine
- Center for Scholarship in Patient Care, Quality and Safety: Supports innovation and dissemination in patent care, quality and safety
- Access-to-Excellence: A dashboard tool to help visualize health system performance;
- Patient Safety Innovations Program (PSIP): Provides pilot funding and scholarship coaching to teams seeking to improve patient care quality and safety, strengthen the patient-provider relationship, and bolster patient safety education.
External Resources
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): Research arm of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Also note the AHRQ Patient Safety Network for information on patient safety and quality improvement topics.
- An Assessment of an Educational Intervention on Resident Physician Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills Related to Adverse Event Reporting (JGME)